Sunday, January 4, 2009

CHUY DAH January 2009 -- The New Year's Issue

Once more, the Earth has orbited around the sun, and that means one thing - another year has passed. I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season; I know I did.

It’s January 2009, and if you’re a Klingon -- and especially if you’re a member of the Mighty Doomslayer, January means something else this year: The Camp Dover Reunion is only 4 months away!

At this point, I’m proud to say that everything thus far is going right along as planned, and we’re right where we should be at this point. I wanted to have the lion’s share of preparations done by the end of the year, and overall we've done so.

* NEW MEETING PLACE AND TIME* With the start of the new year, we have a new meeting place and a new meeting time. The new meeting place is the Meeting room at the Buehler’s Parkside store, and as of this month, meetings will be every second Saturday of the month (save for next month’s meeting, which will be on the second Sunday instead; the second Saturday of February is St. Valentine’s Day) from 2-4 pm.

For this month’s meeting, I’d like to double-check and update not only our roster, but the ship’s calendar as well. Why? I want to make sure I’ve got everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries correct, as well as double-checking the ages of the cadets to make sure their ranks are up to date.

* ENOUGH TALKING AND WAITING, LET’S JUST DO IT * (And that’s not what you may think I’m talking about, so get your mind out of the gutter! Geez!) We’ve been talking way too much about getting back to gaming, and I can’t wait any more, so here’s what we’re going to do. Since we tend to finish meeting ahead of schedule, and we have 2 hours for the use of the new meeting room, I’m going to run “old-school” Dungeons and Dragons sessions.
There’s not going to be any complex world or background, nothing like that -- it’s just going to be good old-fashioned dungeon crawls -- doors to kick open, monsters to fight, treasure to loot. Nothing fancy, just fun. I’ll provide the basic characters, but it’ll be up to you to give them life and personality.

Jan. 4th: Kammie’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Chancellor Klaad’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2-4 pm.
Jan.15th: Khavid’s birthday