Thursday, March 5, 2009

CHUY DAH March 2009

I’d like to dedicate this newsletter to my great-niece Gwendolyn Renee, who was born on February 13th. She came into the world at 7 lbs. 13 oz, measured 20” long, and has the thickest head of hair I’ve ever seen on a newborn.


TWO-TIME CHAMPION: I'm going to start this month's edition off with a bit of personal celebrating -- I'm proud to announce that I won the People's Choice Award for a second time in my church's chili cook-off! I've also decided that I'm retiring from any future cook-offs; I'd rather go out on top.

FROM THE SICK AND INJURED LIST: First of all, I’m pleased to report that our Chancellor and Chief Engineer -- both hospitalized recently -- are back in action. The ship’s been a little too quiet without you both.

REUNION UPDATE: Talks with the Schoenbrunn Inn and Marlite Conference Center have concluded, and we now have a new location for the Camp Dover Reunion. (My thanks to Capt. K’Dot, who assisted in the overall negotiations.)

Starting on St. Patrick’s Day, the Inn will start taking reservations for the Reunion weekend -- and with the hotel holding 40 rooms so far, I’d recommend calling ASAP, and make sure you ask for the Camp Dover special so you can get in on the reduced rate. We’re just waiting now to see what the Marlite Conference Center has in mind as far as catering goes.

Even though we now have over a year to handle the event planning - instead of a couple of months -- we’re fairly well-ahead of schedule. But we don’t have the luxury of coasting along. I want to continue with our original thinking, which was to have everything configured by the end of the year. This way, when 2010 comes around, all we have to do is assemble everything and be ready well in advance.


Yes, this newsletter is short for this month...because there's not much else to report right now.

Mar. 14th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s in Dover -- 2 pm.
Mar. 17th: HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY (“Everybody‘s Irish tonight.” -- Murphy McManus, The Boondock Saints)