To begin with, I want to raise a flagon of bloodwine and wish a Happy Birthday to our one and only resident Chief Engineer, Senior Commander Bastian!
Next, I’d like to wish a belated Happy Mother’s Day to all crew members of the maternal persuasion. Remember, everyone, without your mother, there is no you. . .
DOOMSLAYER'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE: On -1/0501.2010, an Away Team consisting of myself, Captain K’Dot, Lt. Commander K’Ana (who was recovering from a recent injury suffered when the gravitic regulators malfunctioned), and Lt. K’Wendah, traveled to the Columbus sector to attend a special memorial service in honor of Chancellor Klaad’s passing at Starbase Columbus.
Well, let’s say that was the original plan. (But as the saying goes, if you want to really make Kahless laugh, tell him your plans.)
The navigational programming that should have gotten our shuttle to the Starbase in a sufficient amount of travel time. . .well, it wasn’t programmed in the shuttle. So, to Captain K’Dot’s credit, she piloted and navigated simply by sight -- a strategy that worked . . . to a point.
We ended up seeing regions of the sector that we hadn’t planned on seeing before finding a navigational beacon and arriving at the Starbase just as the service had begun.
The service itself was done quite well, with anyone who wished to give tribute to the Chancellor an open podium to do so. Following the service, we talked with many of the attendees before setting out on the return trip.
And once again, we ended up having navigational problems. This time we came out of warp in the Lodi sector, but were able to get on the correct coordinates to return home.
This mission led to the creation of a special list that will be known on the ship as “Doomslayer’s Rules”. These rules will be more like a set of guidelines, but guidelines that should be followed to avoid future problems as much as possible. This list is not fixed in any way; it’s going to grow, I have a feeling.
And with that, the list begins here:
Rule Zero: Whenever in doubt, ask this question - “What would the Chancellor do?”
Rule One: Do not embarrass the ship.
Rule Two: Remember, this is supposed to be fun.
Rule Three: Unless there is a map/list of step-by-step instructions/GPS device present, Capt. K’Dot is strictly forbidden from performing any sort of navigation.
When more rules arise, they will be published here.
WHY WAS THERE NO MEETING THIS MONTH?: This is a perfectly reasonable question. To begin with, most of us had been on the Starbase Columbus Away team, so a great deal of ship’s business was dealt with on the road. Secondly, we’ve had a very busy couple of months, and I decided that we needed a break. And finally, it was Mother’s Day weekend, so everyone needed to spend more time with family. That’s why there was no meeting.
May 12th: Chief Engineer Bastian’s birthday
May 21st: Chief Intelligence Officer Kh’Per’s birthday
May 30th: Admiral Konnor’s birthday
May 31st: MEMORIAL DAY (Take a moment to remember the warriors who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us all)