Greetings one and all! The halls of the ship are far quieter now, thanks to the fact that all the cadets are back at the Academy -- and it's not a moment too soon; I was getting tired of all the foodfights in the galley!
It's September, and this is the Back To School issue of the one and only CHUY DAH -- accept no substitutes!
Okay, I guess there are those of you who've been wondering what the heck's been going on with me and why things have been so quiet. Here's the full explanation:
About a month or so ago, I began developing spasms in my upper back that would alternate between my shoulder blades. A CT scan showed me something I wasn't expecting: possible cancer cells in one of my rib bones. Needless to say, I was freaked out for a bit, as was my family. But the docs started me on a new type of chemo that's in pill form, and that I can take at home (4 pills, twice a day - bleh).
Good news: The spasms stopped.
Bad news: The side effects of this new drug include potential muscle and joint pain.
Couple that with the sudden influx of tropical storms and the changes they make, and I'm down with a little thing called
"barometric orthralgia", which translates into arthritic-like attacks in my knees and ankles. Bottom line, I'm not walking far, not without a wheelchair, walker, or cane. The pain got bad enough that I ended up in the Aultman ER one Sunday, wondering why I can't even stand without screaming (you know how the pain scale goes 1 to 10? I found 12).
But, over time (with the help of certain lovely painkillers), this cleared up, and now I'm walking normally, just a little slowly right now as I get my strength back. I couldn't get to the computer easily, so that's why there's been no newsletter. Till now.
Okay, there's more. If you've been following my recent Facebook postings, on August 18th, I also became a great-uncle for a 2nd time! My nephew Mark and his fiancee Joy had a son, Layne Michael Miller, who came into the world at 5 lbs. 10 oz. and 18 inches long. From what I was last told, he's coming along just fine. So this also means we have a new Cadet as well!
And last -- but by no means least --
I have finally gotten published!
The book in question is an original manuscript I wrote in 2009, titled
JERICHO HILL AND THE CASE OF THE FALLEN ANGEL. It's my try at hard-boiled detective fiction, and it's available through a direct link at (I've got the link, so let me know if you'd be interested...). The Dover Public Library has the second copy -- my parents have the first one.
Enough about me.
This month's meeting location has been changed from 1 pm at Bread Head Bakery to 2 pm at my house, due both to a fire on September 3rd at the Main Moon resteraunt and the fact that I will be house-sitting September 10 (which is this Saturday). This is
not the Dinner and Movie Night; just bring some kind of snack, and I'll provide the drinks. Hope to see everyone then.
The Calendar of Events is next...