Sunday, July 13, 2014

From the Captain's Chair

   (The following is a very short installment of CHUY DAH but there will be more to report at a later time.)

   A lot has happened over the last 24 hours and I'll do my best to summarize all of it.  Effective Stardate 2014:07:12, I relieve Captain K'Dot and assume command of IKV Doomslayer.  She will retain her position as Chief Medical Officer and resume those duties when her Leave of Absence ends.  I look forward to having her, Cmdr. Bastian & Ensign Tosh back with us when the time comes.  I give my word that I will not betray the trust that's been put in me at this time.

  There are some Promotions to announce, 3 of them to be exact:

1.  Petty Officer Tahd K'Tarra is promoted to Chief Petty Officer with the Honorific of ahktai-.  Until further notice, he is also assigned as Acting Security Chief.

2.  LT Kami tai-Makhleod is promoted to Lieutenant Commander with the upgraded honorific of vestai-.

3.  By Order of General K'nocrod, Cmdr. Kha'vid sutai-Makhleod is promoted to the rank of Captain..  Wait a minute!...  That's me! 


Captain Kha'vid sutai-Makhleod

Commanding Officer / IKV Doomslayer

Thursday, February 6, 2014

From the XO's Chair

Where has 2013 gone?  It feels like I just posted here a few days ago.  The year 2014 is upon us and with the help of our Quartermaster & the Admin. Officer, we hammered out a calendar for part of the coming year.

. March 8th- General Meeting at Damon's All American Pizza in New Philadelphia, OH 1230hrs.  We are supposed to have at least two Honored Guests.  'Hope to see everyone who can make it for this one!

. April 12th- "Dinner and a Movie Night" at Cmdr. K'Ana's home.  It'll be "pot luck" and we'll enjoy a movie or two together.  Starting time is 1800 hrs. (6pm)

. July 12th- "1st. Annual Doomslayer Christmas in July Party" in Cmdr. K'Ana's back yard.  This idea was the brain child of LT Kami, our Admin. Officer.  We wanted to do a cookout and she made an offhand comment that we might as well have our Christmas Party while we're at it since we can't get anyone together for the ****ing Holidays!  Be careful what you wish for, Lieutennant...  Bring an item for the Gift Exchange but don't spend more than $5.
Starting time is 1600 hrs (4pm) and this event (or at least part of it) will be in full Klingon Uniform.   It's time that we had a group photo of our present crew in their best attire.

That is what we have scheduled for the time being but there has been talk about planning a possible Away Mission to West Side Market in Cleveland, OH.

I also want to take this time to welcome a new crew member to our ship.  Her name is Nancy Fulton but henceforth, she will be known to us as Crewman Jaw'joH K'Tarra.  We are glad to have you with us, Jaw'JoH.

I also want to take this time to share a couple of thoughts.  For two years now, it's been my honor to serve as your 1st. Officer.  For part of that time, I have also been your Acting CO while Captain K'Dot and family have been on administrative leave.  I have done what I can to keep things going and will continue to do so.  I'd like to think that the Chancellor and the Admiral would be proud of us.  No, scratch that...  They ARE proud of us.  No matter what's been thrown at us, we drive on and move forward..  "A thousand times, undefeated!"

Admiral Konnor once called us "the most dangerous crew in the Fleet!"
Time and time again, we will prove him right!

This is all I have for now and I will be signing off.

Cmdr. Kha'vid sutai-Makhleod
1st. Officer / Acting CO, IKV Doomslayer