Monday, February 2, 2009

CHUY DAH Feb. 2009


Had to get that out of my system.

Before I get to business - and trust me, there’s a lot for this issue - I also want to dedicate this issue to Lt. Cmdr Khavid and Lt. jg. Kammie, who are celebrating their anniversary today. Have fun, you two, and keep the furniture throwing to a minimum, okay? The replicator can only work so fast.

I also have a personal announcement: this past week, the Chancellor has seen fit to promote me in honorific from sutai- to full zantai-. I’m just now getting over the shock, and my head has finally quit thumping from the thwap he gave me…
Now, as to business…where to start?

THE STEAMING PILES OF MONKEY CRAP JUST KEEP ON COMING: Here’s an overview of the current state of affairs as far as the CDPC Reunion goes:

Bluntly, folks, and in three words, we got mud-sucked.

Things all started from a phone call I received about two weeks ago from the hotel’s sales director; it seems the hotel was scheduled to undergo major renovations -- they’re changing from a Holiday Inn to a Holiday Inn Express, and during the Reunion, they wouldn’t actually be a Holiday Inn, they’d technically just be “the New Philadelphia Hotel”. Thus, we would no longer need to have an off-duty policeman on the premises.

Something told me to not feel too confident about this, because it was just too good to be true-- they had been so insistent on this point, and now to suddenly change tactics so easily as this?
They also told me that the renovations wouldn’t start until after the reunion. Again, this was sounding way too good to be true.

Well, I always hate it when I’m right, and once again I was right.

I received a 2nd phone call last week from the hotel; apparently the corporate offices ruled that it would not be “fiscally feasible to keep the hotel open just for [our] event“. The banquet rooms would be open, but everyone would have to stay at the Super 8 Motel, situated behind the Holiday Inn. If you’ve ever seen that Super 8, not only is it too small for what we need, but it’s a very disreputable place -- there’ve been numerous drug busts there, not to mention other criminal incidents. We’re talking an overall logistical nightmare here.

Thus, the mud-sucking.

On a personal aside, I hate to sound paranoid, but I find it a little too coincidental that those renovations just happened to be scheduled when we have the reunion planned. You may think the same. But I digress.

After discussing the situation with the Chancellor and Capt. K’Dot, the decision was made to postpone the reunion for this year, cancel our contracts with the Holiday Inn, and concentrate on the 2010 reunion.

Does this foul up our momentum? Not really. Does it stop us? No. I’ll tell you, this development and change in plans has not been well-received by some, but frankly, there’s not much else we can do about it. You can’t sprinkle sugar on this crap and call it candy, but it is what it is. We’ve had worse problems thrown at us, and like Clint Eastwood said in one of my favorite movies, “Heartbreak Ridge”, we improvise, we adapt, we overcome.

Now we have more time to get things done that we’ve already planned to do, and thus not have to rush around when the time comes close. After all, we were half-way finished to begin with, I see no reason to stop working as we’ve been all along. In my opinion, this is no major obstacle, it’s nothing but a speed-bump. Besides, with the Chancellor’s recent health problems, he needs time to rest and get back on his feet.

As of this newsletter, we are currently in negotiations with the Schoenbrunn Inn and the Marlite Conference Center to stage the Reunion for next year.

And don’t worry -- I’ve got a 4-page letter written to send off to the Holiday Inn offices.

THE AIR‘S GETTING CHILI: This month’s meeting will still take place as scheduled -- on February 15 (it’s a Sunday; Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and for those of you who are married, I don’t want to interfere with any plans any of you might have)at the Parkside Buehlers meeting room, but instead of it being at 2 pm, it’s going to start at 2:30.

The reason for this is that I’m entered in my church’s 2nd Chili Cookoff, and the event doesn’t end till 2 pm -- thus, I’m going to be a little late, and the room is in my name. Now, if you want to come to the cook-off and lend some support (I won the People’s Choice Award the first time I competed; this time I’m shooting for the Best Overall award -- or as I call it, the “World Heavyweight Championship“), I’d enjoy seeing you there; it’s $5 for admission tickets, and my church is St. John’s United Church of Christ (which is around the corner from the old Donut Shop -- contact me if you want better directions).

By the way, it’s been recommended I should mention that I will be participating in full uniform, and if you choose to come in uniform yourself, use discretion -- after all, we’re going to be in church, and I don‘t want to see anyone struck by lightning…

Feb. 2nd: Khavid and Kammie’s Anniversary
Feb. 7th: Margaret Wander Bonanno’s birthday
Feb. 14th: Cadet Qos’ birthday
Feb. 15th: Admiral Konnor to compete in Chili Cookoff
Feb. 15th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehlers - 2:30 pm.

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