Friday, April 10, 2009

CHUY DAH April 2009

** This issue is dedicated to RayLynn Jane, the granddaughter of Lt. Cmdr. Khavid and Lt. j.g. Kammie, our resident Chief Security Officer and Chief Recreation Officer. She was born on March 13th, 2009, weighing 7 lbs, 11 oz. and measuring 18 inches long.
On behalf of the Doomslayer, I hoist a flagon of bloodwine in tribute of her birth!

Okay, okay, I know what you’re going to say… "Admiral, with all due respect, this may be the latest you’ve ever put out CHUY DAH -- um. . .what happened?" Since you’re asking me politely, why then, I’ll tell you.
It seems that the Terran Two-Step (a.k.a. stomach flu) has taken a short trip though my home, and everyone here has had it, including my esteemed self. And it was not pretty, let me tell you. Thank Kahless for chicken soup -- better then anything in a hypospray.
I also managed to break a tooth as well, so I’ve been working on getting that problem remedied. Thus, I’ve been a tad distracted, and that’s why this edition is late this month.

At last month’s meeting, we set up the year’s event calendar, and here’s what we have (for your reference):
April: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
May: “Star Trek” movie outing (Movie, dinner, mall crawl)
June: Ship’s Picnic at Tuscora Park
July: Borders Trip
August: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
September: Movie Night & Potluck Dinner at my house
October: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
November: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
December: Ship’s Christmas Party
As always, keep in mind that all events may be subject to change -- nothing is ever set in stone; it’s more like set on a Etch-a-Sketch…

In (hopefully) about three months’ time, I'm going to start studying to become a holistic health practitioner. If you look at my blog ,you'll see a new post, and the promise of on-going posts regarding empirical experiments I'm doing on myself and K‘Dot.

Before I close this issue out, here’s a little something I found -- remember the game of devising your “Porn Star” or “Star Wars” name? Well, here’s a few more that I found :
* Your Spy Name: Middle name and current street name
* Your Movie Star Name: Grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favorite candy
* Your Rap Name: First initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name
* Your Gamer Tag: A favorite color, a favorite animal
* Your Soap Opera Name: Middle name, city where you were born
* Your Star Wars Name (version 2.0): First 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name
* Your Jedi Name: Middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards

April 5th:
Palm Sunday
April 9th: Passover/Maundy Thursday
April 10th: Good Friday
April 11th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2 pm
April 12th: HAPPY EASTER! (Hey, Easter Bunny - just drop the Jelly Belly jellybeans and step away…)
April 21st: Holocaust Remembrance Day

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