This month’s issue of CHUY DAH is brought to you by Consciousness -- Consciousness…that annoying time between naps!
This month’s issue is proudly dedicated to my father, who finally retired on July 24 after 48 years. Here’s to ya, Dad!
To begin with, I’d like to offer condolences to Lt. jg. Kammie, who lost one of her aunts yesterday in an automobile accident. We raise the death howl in her honor this day, and our thoughts go out to her family.
Okay, for another month, this newsletter is late once again, and here’s why: a week ago today, my Aunt was taken to the ER and summarily hospitalized for a possible “coronary incident” she had at her drug store. After testing, there were no actual coronary problems, but the doctors noticed that she was exhibiting some other problems, which had them questioning her ability to live by herself.
So right now, as I'm writing this newsletter, we’re awaiting the results of an MRI and EEG that were performed on her while she was hospitalized. She’s also starting speech therapy (she’d developed a stammer after knee replacement surgery), and just went on Mobile Meals, so we’re helping her get used to these new things. We’re also trying to figure out what all would need to be done if we have to place her in an assisted living facility. And let me tell you, folks, none of this is easy.
Along with this, I’ve been aiding in planning my father’s retirement party, and I’m helping my mother plan her 50th High School Class reunion. So, if I look a little frazzled around the edges, or I’m a little late with things, at least you know why; my plate’s a wee bit full.
I’m telling you all this because I’ve always believed in being straight with you. That said, on to business. . .
THIS MONTH’S MEETING: There’s a change to this month’s meeting date -- we will be meeting on the 15th, not the 8th; my father’s retirement party is this Saturday, and like I said earlier, I’m needed to help set up and run the party. Hence the date change.
I’m also mandating a change in location for this month -- instead of using the meeting room at Buehler’s (which, for some reason, isn’t really working for me; I thought we’d have a room, not an auditorium), for something different, we’ll meet at the Bread Head Bakery in downtown Dover at 2 pm. If you haven’t been here, it’s a great place. Not only is the coffee good, but they have plenty of baked goods, along with sandwiches and soups. Besides, it’s Dover’s 1st hippie joint! (What’s not to love?)
I should add that if you don’t know where the BHB is, it’s right next to the Main Moon restaurant (where we usually end up following a meeting). If you need better directions, email me or call me.
THE HOTEL WAR CONTINUES: I received a response from the Intercontinental Hotel Group, the corporation that now oversees the operations of the Holiday Inn hotel chain, in regards to the letter I sent in regards to the screw- job we received from their New Philadelphia hotel this year. I’m not going to go into detail regarding the body of the letter, but the jist of it said “So sorry, but we really can’t help you, thanks for writing; we’ll keep your letter on file.” Okay, that’s how they want to play this. . .
I’m not letting this daunt me in any way (I think you‘d lose respect for me if I did); I’ve been sanctioned by the Chancellor Himself to take the battle to the corporation so as to get our point across. What’s the goal, you ask? Simple -- I’m gunning for an actual apology. Sounds impossible, but isn’t that what we do best?
August 8th: Sneak a Zucchini On Your Neighbor’s Porch Night
August 15th: Doomslayer Meeting at Bread Head Bakery (in Dover) - 2 pm.
August 10th: National Lazy Day
August 11th: Cadet T’Lisen’s birthday
August 13th: Left-Hander’s Day
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