Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 2010 - The Xmas Special


Greetings, one and all! As I write this, it's about as cold as Rura Penthe outside my dwelling; I still find it hard to believe (even after all this time) that the Terrans actually find this type of weather enjoyable. . .

Before I get to business, a medical update: as of last Monday, I've concluded my chemotherapy treaments. I'm scheduled to undergo surgery on December 27th, and will be out of action (for the most part) about 6-8 weeks. This means that I will NOT be writing the next issue of CHUY DAH. . .and unless someone volunteers to take over this task, I'm going to have to appoint someone myself. Don't say you weren't warned.

As always, December means that it's time for the ship's annual Christmas Party, and this year's party is going to be a combination of events; not only will it be a Christmas Party, but also the ship's Dinner And A Movie Night as well.

The party will be this coming Saturday -- December 11th -- at my residence, starting around 4 pm. Capt. K'Dot Kali will be providing the main course, while I provide the drinks, table service, and the movies and place. We'll need at least a side dish or two, along with at least one dessert. If you feel like providing anything more, by all means, feel free to do so.

As for the evening's movies, this year will be a Boondock Saints retrospective (both The Boondock Saints and The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day). I hope to see everyone this weekend.

I nearly forgot -- there will be a "White Elephant" gift exchange as well. Bring something you have but haven't used (that would be suitable, gift-wise), and if you feel so inclined, spruce it up a bit.

Before the festivities get too far gone, there will also be a brief meeting.


Dec. 11th: Doomslayer Xmas Party/ Dinner & A Movie Night @ Admiral Konnor's - 4 pm
Dec. 14th: Fleet Mom's Birthday
Dec. 17th: Milla Jovovich's Birthday (Chancellor Klaad's favorite actress)
Dec. 27th: Adm. Konnor's surgery & medical leave
Dec. 31st: NEW YEAR'S EVE

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