Tales of the IKS Fire Blade!
As promised, here is everything I've done on this writing project up to now. More will follow soon. The 1st series is titled "New Arrival"..
"New Arrival Part #1"
Our story is set aboard the IKS Fire Blade a K'Vort class cruiser. The Commanding Officer is Captain Kuhr. He is not a great hero that you will find enshrined in the Hall of Warriors. It's not likey that he will be invited to join the Order of the Bat'leth anytime soon either. However, he is a good Officer with a repectable Battle Record and a somewhat rough, no-nonsense command style. Kuhr has many years of service to his credit and his crew is proud to call him their Captain.
The morning shift has just taken over on the Bridge & the Captain has appeared on deck. He immediately turns to his 1st. Officer, Commander Jaan, "XO, Report!"
XO- We dock at Outpost 37K within the hour to pick up a supplies and a handful of replacement crew.
CPT- How long?
XO- If all goes well, we will have everything done and be back underway in six hours, no more than- -
CPT- Four!
XO- Sir?
CPT- Four hours, XO. We will do all that needs to be done and be out of there in four hours. I don't like this station and we will not be here any longer than required. If it takes longer, those at fault will answer to me, starting with YOU!... Is there anything else?
XO- (Hands the Captain a Datapad) Yes there is.. We have some crew who will be leaving us today.
CPT- (Takes a seat in his command chair, reads over the pad and flips a switch in the arm of the chair. His voice comes over the ship's loudspeaker) Attention all... This is the Captain. I have been informed that the following crew will be leaving us today. (Captain goes on to read 10 names from various deaprtments aboard ship, going from the most senior in rank to the lowest.) You have all performed admirably and done your jobs well. For that I commend each of you. If you had not, I would have killed you by now. Make no mistake of that. Some of you are moving on to new assignments while others are leaving the Defense Force. Regardless of where you go from here, the entire Crew wishes you well and so do I.. Qapla! (switches off conn)
The ship docks without incident. Shortly afterwards, there is a brief arguement between the XO and the Station's Dock Master. There is rumor of some sort of scuffle but apparently nobody saw anything. A short time later, there is yet another exchange between the Station Commander and the Ship's Captain. Once again, there are rumors of violence but there were no witnesses.
When it was all said and done, the IKS Fire Blade concludes its business and is underway in exactly 3 hours and 51 minutes, a new record for both the Station and the ship. On a side note, it appears that both the Dock Master and the Station Commander met with unfortunate accidents within minutes of each other. Fortunately, neither of them had any life-threatening injuries and they will both be out of the Infirmary in a matter of days. It's such a strange coincidence that all of this took place while Captain Kuhr and his crew were visiting the Station.
A short time after getting underway, the Captain & XO proceed to the ship's Recreation Hall where new crewmembers were taken to wait. It's here that they will officially report for duty. Normally, this is done as they board but an exception had to be made this time. The reasons for that have already been mentioned.
XO- Before we go in sir, there's one thing I need to tell you about. It concerns one of the new Officers. He is a--
CPT- It can wait, XO. Tell me after we're done with this..(The two enter the room and everyone snaps to attention. He immediately begins to address the new arrivals.) I am Captain Kuhr, your Commanding Officer and this is Commander Jaan, the XO. I will be brief. My rules are simple. Do your job! Carry out the duties that you are assigned or I will get someone who can.. Bekks.. (Enlisted and / or Noncoms) Take notice of the woman stainding behind you. (An older but fierce looking Klingon female stomps her right foot as she snaps to attention.) She is Ta'jaH, ranking Noncom aboard this vessel. You will address her as Chief. An order from her is an order from me. Officers, you may hold higher rank than Ta'jaH but I suggest that you respect her experience and years of service. If you can't do that, have enough sense to stay out of her way. (Captain steps back)
XO- You all know what is expected of you now. Stand forward and present yourselves..
Each new crewmember steps forward, giving his name, rank & House they are from if applicable. All of them are waiting for the last one in line to do so, knowing that at least the Captain is in for a bit of a surprise... Then, it comes. "Lieutennant Charlie Richards, Starfleet Reserves... Reporting for Temporary Assignment, SIR!"
Sure enough, there is a Human in a Gold-trimmed Starfleet uniform standing at the end of the line. By appearances, he's slightly below average height and pale skinned (even by Human standards). As far as Humans go, he even appears to be a bit of a weakling. All of this immediately catches the Captain's full attention. For the first few moments, Kuhr is shocked beyond words. This has to be a joke! After taking a moment to collect himself, he slowly steps up to the Starfleet Officer and gets face to face with him..
CPT- Who are you and WHY are you HERE?
Lt.R- I'm LT Richards, sir...
CPT- I know that! Tell me WHY you are aboard MY ship...
XO- Sir, this was what I wanted to speak to you about... As you know, The Empire has an Officer Exchange with the Federation. Four days ago, I advised you that one might be assigned to us for a brief time.
CPT- You should have advised me again this morning, XO.. Why was I not informed when he came aboard?
XO- Given all that happened at the station with the Dock Master and his CO, I did not know about this until an hour ago, sir.
CPT- Point taken, XO.. (turns to Ta'jaH) Chief!... Take charge of your Bekks.. (back to Jaan) XO, send the new Officers to their Department Heads. I will see you and this Human in my Wardroom in half an hour...MOVE!
Everyone disperses, going about thier tasks..
Part #3
LT Richards' Personal Log: Eight days aboard the IKS Fire Blade and this assignment is much harder than I expected. All things considered, I am still doing well. A few hours after my first fiasco on the Bridge, I got a knock on my cabin door. I wound up being face to face with TajaH, The Chief. She threw a datapad at me and barked out, "READ THIS & LEARN IT... NOW!... Sir!" It turns out that she presented me with a Tech Manual on K'Vort class Bridge systems, written in Fed Standard. It has been quite useful. She told me later that the pad would need to be destroyed before I leave this ship. It's funny, I've heard people aboard this ship say and I quote, "Cmdr. Jaan (the XO) may be the Captain's right hand but TajaH is his boot!" I'm starting to see why that statement is true. She keeps order here and keeps members of the Crew in line, Officers and Enlisted alike. She is respected by the Noncoms and feared by most of the Officers. A reliable source tells me she came aboard with the Captain when he took command and has been with him for a long time. Moving on to another subject, I see a problem in my near future. I was invited to play Klin Za in the Rec Hall with some of the crew and wound up facing my room-mate, Ensign Mahr from Security. It was close but I beat him in 2 straight games. He nearly had me both times. He took offense when some of his cohorts teased him about being "oiutwitted by a HU-MAN"!... As I said he didn't take it well and he seems like he's not the type to let an insult go unanswered. Since he blames me for it, I am expecting some kind of reprisal soon. (Day #9) Just as I expected, it has begun. When I woke this morning, my boots were fused to the deck. This could have been easily done with a disruptor on a low setting at close range but I'm still trying to figure out how he did it without waking me. It's a good thing I brought an extra pair along. There was more in store for me after my Bridge shift ended. I return to my quarters to find my sleeping mat torn to shreds. It was an extra piece of comfort that I brought to make the Klingon "bunk" a little more bearable. I see what Mahr is trying to do. He is trying to provoke me into a fight and then make short work of me with his bare hands. 'Not going to happen. Using violence a to protect myself or as part of my duty is one thing but I don't believe in fighting for sport or in anger. I suspect that this is only the beginning.. ****************************************************** Captains Log entry: It's taken long enough but The Fire Blade has another mission to carry out.... Freighter Escort, again.... We are proceeding to the Pheben system and will meet up with a convoy of 4 class H Freighters and another battle-cruiser. The freighters will be escorted from their orbit around Pheben Prime to the Homeworld. It is a tedious and somewhat boring task. We will be sharing the duty with The IKS Kethas, under command of Captain K'Maq. I am the Senior of the two Captains. K'Maq served aboard this ship a few years back... Tactical Officer at first and then as XO. I pushed for his promotion and I'm proud to say that he is doing well with a Command of his own. I do not like these escort missions for a number of reasons but the main reason is the Freighters themselves. Class H cargo vessels are out-dated old rust buckets. They are large, bulky, cumbersome, hard to maneuver and unbelievably SLOW... a best possible speed of Warp 4.5 under optimal conditions. They have marginal shielding and minimal defensive weapons of their own. The only reason I can see why these ships haven't been scrapped altogether is because of their capacity. They can haul 3 times the amount of cargo that their newer & faster counterparts are capable of. Someone must see that as an acceptable reason.... I do not! These escort missions are needed at the moment because the Freighters have been an easy target for certain scum that's been polluting our Empire... Orions, Ferengi and worse.. They call themselves "Trader Vessels" & "Salvage Ships" and are allowed to legally operate within our borders but let's be honest and call a thing what it is... When they attack our freighters, they are Pirates and nothing more. Of course, they deny any wrong-doing at all times but a few have been caught in the act. At least 5 times this year, I have suggested to General Graag that this problem could be solved if he would give me 2 other cruisers and 30 days to go hunting. His response was always the same, "Not yet, my friend.. I'm not saying no, just to be patient.." In all honesty, my "patience" is wearing thin in this matter.. On another subject, the Human Lieutenant has been aboard the Fire Blade for 10 days now and has shown a marked improvement, carrying out the duties he has been assigned. Reports from the XO say that he is adjusting well, except for som odd eating habits and a minor conflict with one Ensign Mahr from Security. My orders to the XO are to observe & report for now but not to intervene. I want to see how the Human handles this.
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