(Yes, that title has finally been changed, mainly because someone recommended that I needed to finally accept the changes that have come. . .)
Okay, now to catch up on some business:
I’m also hoisting a tankard of bloodwine in honor of two of our cadets who’ve celebrated birthdays in the last week or so -- Q’Od and K’Hellie! Here’s to two fine young warriors!
Why are these all belated? Simple -- celebrate three family birthdays within the span ten days, and see how far behind on things you end up! (That’s not an excuse, but a statement of fact.)
Now to current ship’s business:
This month’s meeting (June 12th) will involve our yearly “Get Out Of Dodge” trip to the Borders bookstore in Canton. I’d like to gather at the store around noon, which means I’ll be departing for Canton around 11 or so (to allow for Saturday traffic -- which has been known to be a little crazy at times, depending on the weekend. . .). If anyone wants to caravan to Borders, you’ll need to be at my house by 11. Dinner (if we stay in Canton that long -- and who knows? We might) will be at the Belden Village Mall’s food court.
If you’re a former member of the Donut Connection family, there’s a special event being held on Sunday, June 13th at Franklin Park in Strasburg. A Picnic for the Donut Connection Clan will be at the Park from 12 noon to 5 pm. If you’re attending, you need to bring a covered dish and beverage. I’m going, because there’s a lot of people I’d like to see again. . .
Doomslayer’s original Writer-in-Residence, Margaret Wander Bonanno, has a new TREK book on the shelves. Its titled UNSPOKEN TRUTH, and is devoted to Saavik’s past. I haven’t read it as of yet, but it’s on my list of books to read.
June 12th: Doomslayer’s Trip to Borders in North Canton - 12 noon
June 13th: Donut Connection Clan Picnic - Franklin Park in Strasburg from 12n to 5 pm (covered dish and beverage)
June 14th: NATIONAL FLAG DAY (be sure to fly the colors if you’ve got ‘em -- and if you don’t, get ‘em!)
June 21st: SUMMER BEGINS (as if it hadn’t been hot enough already)
June 29th: Autumn Daley’s birthday (can’t remember her Klingon name)
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