Yes, this issue is once again late. This time, later then usual. Those of you that I've talked to privately know why. Add to that the factor of dog-sitting for this past week, and that's all what's made this month's newsletter late. In the words of the immortal S'Tahn of the House of L'Hee, 'nuff said.
Catching up on business. . .first of all, a belated Happy Birthday to our resident Quartermaster K'Ana!
Next, thanks to Captain Kh'Per for the pleasure of his company on last month's Shore Leave in Canton!
Operation:MALL CRAWL last week held a special meaning for me, because it was on a July 10th, nineteen years ago, that I signed my enlistment papers and joined the IKV Doomslayer. Damn. . .from raw recruit to Commanding Officer in nearly twenty years.
To borrow a quote from the Grateful Dead, "what a long strange trip it's been". And I have no plans of stopping now.
Okay, that's enough of the old business -- now to some new business at hand:
I have said this before, and I'm going to keep on hammering at this until either it starts to happen, or it breaks from all the pounding: I WANT REPORTS FOR THIS NEWSLETTER. I'm getting tired of coming up with things to fill this space, and to those outside the ship who read this, it looks like my newsletter, and not the ship's.
This is going to change, people.
I've heard the biggest reason for not submitting reports being "I don't know what to say."
Okay, I'm going to explain this again: the kind of report I'm looking for doesn't necessarily need to be Klingon-oriented (unless you want it to be).
Tell us what's happening with you. If you read a great book, saw a great movie or TV episode, found something interesting online, or even if you just heard a great joke, SHARE IT WITH THE CREW! If there's something going on in your life, and you need to talk about it (and also if you feel okay with sharing it online), put it out there.
The bottom line: this is NOT just my newsletter, it is THE newsletter of the IKV Doomslayer, The Mighty Doomslayer (c), the flagship of IKEF and the home of The World's Most Dangerous Crew(c). Much has been given to us, and much is expected.
Need I say more?
Reports for the August newsletter will be due by July 25th. And they need to be more then a line or two.
CHUY DAH used to be the most popular newsletter in Ohio -- and it will be popular again.
The Calendar of Events wil be posted later. . .
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