This issue of CHUY DAH is brought to you by Uncle Moe’s Kosher BBQ and Deli, with shops on Qo’Nos, Romulus, and now on Ferenginar!
Remember, when you want the best in all-kosher BBQ, you want Uncle Moe’s!
First of all, greetings, one and all! As we’re wrapping up the year, this newsletter will be a short one.
The planning meeting (or “reminder” meeting, as I prefer to call it) on November 28th couldn’t have gone any better. The turnout was good, as was the food and company. Everyone seems on board with what we have planned thus far, so now comes the time that we show the world once more just why we’re known as The Mighty Doomslayer and put on a great event -- or as I like to say it, “let’s do the impossible just one more time…”
(Yeah, I watch Leverage a little too much, it seems…oh well.)
IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR: The 2009 Doomslayer Christmas Party will be next Saturday (December 12th) at our newest hangout, the one and only Bread Head Bakery, at 12:30 pm. As per tradition, there will be the annual gift exchange (non-gender specific gifts with a $5 limit).
I’d like to close this final newsletter by saying from me and my family to all of you and yours, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dec. 12th: Doomslayer’s Christmas Party at Bread Head Bakery -- 12:30 pm
Dec. 14th: Fleet Mom’s birthday
Dec. 31st: New Year’s Eve
The Official Newsletter of the IKV Doomslayer, Flagship of the Imperial Klingon Expeditionary Forces
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
CHUY DAH November 2009
Greetings, one and all!
This is your CHUY DAH for November 2009, and as always (unless something goes horribly wrong), I am Admiral Konnor, your XO.
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN: Like I said, it’s November (where did this year go, I ask you), and on the Doomslayer, when it’s November, that means only one thing is imminent -- and in this case, I’m not talking about Thanksgiving; of course, I’m talking about the Camp Dover planning meeting.
Only in this case, it’s the Camp Dover Reunion planning meeting.
Now, I know what some of you may be asking: “Admiral, didn’t we already have a meeting for the reunion?” Where have you been? In case you forgot, thanks to the Holiday Inn screwing us over, we didn’t have the reunion this year -- now do you remember?
The Planning Meeting -- or “Reminder Meeting -- will be at 1 pm on the 28th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) in The Manor restaurant’s banquet room. I’ll need RSVPs no later then the 20th, so I can give The Manor an idea of how many people they’ll be cooking for. And lest I forget, the Chancellor has mandated that we’ll be eating family-style before the meeting.
THIS MONTH’S MEETING: Despite the Planning meeting at the end of the month, I think a General Meeting is warranted to prepare for it. So for this month, we’ll be meeting at the Bread Head Bakery on the 14th (next Saturday) at 12:30 pm.
PROMOTION: I’m honored to announce that effective immediately, Cadet Qianna Makhleod, daughter of Kha’vid and Kammie Makhleod, is hereby promoted to the commissioned rank of Ensign. My congratulations to the new officer, as well as to her parents.
AT THE MOVIES: All TREK movies are being remastered and re-released on DVD, with new extras added to them; I’ve seen 3-4 of them at Wal-mart, and if memory serves, they’re selling for around $13 each (which isn’t all that bad, considering the prices of some DVDs. On the same subject, “Star Trek” (the 2009 movie) is scheduled to be released on DVD November 17th.
Nov. 14th: Doomslayer General Meeting: Bread Head Bakery - 12:30 pm.
Nov. 17th: “Star Trek” movie released on DVD
Nov. 28th: Camp Dover Reunion Planning Meeting: The Manor restaurant - 1 pm.
This is your CHUY DAH for November 2009, and as always (unless something goes horribly wrong), I am Admiral Konnor, your XO.
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN: Like I said, it’s November (where did this year go, I ask you), and on the Doomslayer, when it’s November, that means only one thing is imminent -- and in this case, I’m not talking about Thanksgiving; of course, I’m talking about the Camp Dover planning meeting.
Only in this case, it’s the Camp Dover Reunion planning meeting.
Now, I know what some of you may be asking: “Admiral, didn’t we already have a meeting for the reunion?” Where have you been? In case you forgot, thanks to the Holiday Inn screwing us over, we didn’t have the reunion this year -- now do you remember?
The Planning Meeting -- or “Reminder Meeting -- will be at 1 pm on the 28th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) in The Manor restaurant’s banquet room. I’ll need RSVPs no later then the 20th, so I can give The Manor an idea of how many people they’ll be cooking for. And lest I forget, the Chancellor has mandated that we’ll be eating family-style before the meeting.
THIS MONTH’S MEETING: Despite the Planning meeting at the end of the month, I think a General Meeting is warranted to prepare for it. So for this month, we’ll be meeting at the Bread Head Bakery on the 14th (next Saturday) at 12:30 pm.
PROMOTION: I’m honored to announce that effective immediately, Cadet Qianna Makhleod, daughter of Kha’vid and Kammie Makhleod, is hereby promoted to the commissioned rank of Ensign. My congratulations to the new officer, as well as to her parents.
AT THE MOVIES: All TREK movies are being remastered and re-released on DVD, with new extras added to them; I’ve seen 3-4 of them at Wal-mart, and if memory serves, they’re selling for around $13 each (which isn’t all that bad, considering the prices of some DVDs. On the same subject, “Star Trek” (the 2009 movie) is scheduled to be released on DVD November 17th.
Nov. 14th: Doomslayer General Meeting: Bread Head Bakery - 12:30 pm.
Nov. 17th: “Star Trek” movie released on DVD
Nov. 28th: Camp Dover Reunion Planning Meeting: The Manor restaurant - 1 pm.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October 2009
It’s getting a little colder now here on Terra. . .and now there’s more Jack-o-lanterns in the stores -- so this means that Halloween’s not that far off once again.
Greetings, one and all!
This is going to be a "quick-n-dirty" newsletter, because there's not much to report right now.
ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING: It’s October, and by the calendar, the next month is November.
Before you go any further, I know what you’re going to say: “Gee, thanks for stating the obvious, Admiral, it’s not like we didn’t know that…”
The reason I’m saying this is because we’re going to hold another Camp Dover Reunion Planning Meeting at 1 pm. on November 28th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) at The Manor Restaurant in Strasburg. (Yes, we had one last year, but in case you forgot, genius, we ran into a little problem this year: the Holiday Inn pulled the rug out from under us, remember?) So, in a sense, this will be more of a “reminder” meeting then anything else.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, MOVIE: Our scheduled Movie Night is indeed on for this Saturday (October 10th) at my home, starting around 4 pm. The movies will be “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels” and one of the Command Staff’s perennial favorites, “The Boondock Saints”.
[NOTE: I’d like to take some time to have a brief meeting and catch up on ship business before we get started.]
Oct. 8th: Cadet Q’Ana’s birthday
Oct. 10th: Doomslayer “Movie Night” at Admiral Konnor’s house -- 4 pm.
Oct. 18th : Captain K’Dot Kali’s birthday
Oct. 24th: Cadet Sk’Tar’s birthday
Greetings, one and all!
This is going to be a "quick-n-dirty" newsletter, because there's not much to report right now.
ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING: It’s October, and by the calendar, the next month is November.
Before you go any further, I know what you’re going to say: “Gee, thanks for stating the obvious, Admiral, it’s not like we didn’t know that…”
The reason I’m saying this is because we’re going to hold another Camp Dover Reunion Planning Meeting at 1 pm. on November 28th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) at The Manor Restaurant in Strasburg. (Yes, we had one last year, but in case you forgot, genius, we ran into a little problem this year: the Holiday Inn pulled the rug out from under us, remember?) So, in a sense, this will be more of a “reminder” meeting then anything else.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, MOVIE: Our scheduled Movie Night is indeed on for this Saturday (October 10th) at my home, starting around 4 pm. The movies will be “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels” and one of the Command Staff’s perennial favorites, “The Boondock Saints”.
[NOTE: I’d like to take some time to have a brief meeting and catch up on ship business before we get started.]
Oct. 8th: Cadet Q’Ana’s birthday
Oct. 10th: Doomslayer “Movie Night” at Admiral Konnor’s house -- 4 pm.
Oct. 18th : Captain K’Dot Kali’s birthday
Oct. 24th: Cadet Sk’Tar’s birthday
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
September 2009 -- the Back To School Issue
Once again, the passageways in the ship are quiet, there are no more food fights in the galley -- this can only mean one thing: Kahless be praised -- the cadets have gone back to the Academy!
Before we get started, a disclaimer: I’ve had the Taco Bell Volcano Nachos recently, and while they are rather spicier then normal, they didn’t leave my face bright red and heavily sweating, nor did my voice change like the Terran’s on that commercial. . .and I’ve got to tell you, I’m sorely disappointed!
And with that, on to business.
To begin with, a minor change to the meeting plans for this month: the “Movie and Potluck Dinner Night” has been postponed till next month. Instead, the General Meeting will take place at the Bread Head Bakery in downtown Dover (right next door to the Main Moon restaurant)at 2 pm. Also, at this meeting, I will allow one head slap per person (and only one!) in regards to my recent hospital stay last month.
On the subject of my recent hospitalization, I’d like to thank everyone for their phone calls; trust me when I say that it helps break up the day to get a phone call, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
I’ve recently sent off a reply to the International Hotels Group’s (the new bosses of the Holiday Inn chain) 1st letter, and when I receive their reply, I’ll let you all know. Trust me, friends, this little fandango is far from over -- I think John Belushi said it best in the classic Animal House, “Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until WE say it is!”
Sept.7th: Labor Day
Sept.10th: National Swap Ideas Day
Sept.11th: National Patriots’ Day (Take a moment to remember the ones who went on ahead of us, and the brave warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice)
Sept. 12th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Bread Head Bakery - 2 pm.
Sept.16th: National Play-Doh Day (let your inner child out!)
Sept.19th: National Talk Like A Pirate Day (Arrr, matey! ‘Tis the day for getting’ yer Pirate on and letting’ yer Jolly Roger fly!)
Sept.28th: National Ask a Stupid Question Day
Before we get started, a disclaimer: I’ve had the Taco Bell Volcano Nachos recently, and while they are rather spicier then normal, they didn’t leave my face bright red and heavily sweating, nor did my voice change like the Terran’s on that commercial. . .and I’ve got to tell you, I’m sorely disappointed!
And with that, on to business.
To begin with, a minor change to the meeting plans for this month: the “Movie and Potluck Dinner Night” has been postponed till next month. Instead, the General Meeting will take place at the Bread Head Bakery in downtown Dover (right next door to the Main Moon restaurant)at 2 pm. Also, at this meeting, I will allow one head slap per person (and only one!) in regards to my recent hospital stay last month.
On the subject of my recent hospitalization, I’d like to thank everyone for their phone calls; trust me when I say that it helps break up the day to get a phone call, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
I’ve recently sent off a reply to the International Hotels Group’s (the new bosses of the Holiday Inn chain) 1st letter, and when I receive their reply, I’ll let you all know. Trust me, friends, this little fandango is far from over -- I think John Belushi said it best in the classic Animal House, “Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until WE say it is!”
Sept.7th: Labor Day
Sept.10th: National Swap Ideas Day
Sept.11th: National Patriots’ Day (Take a moment to remember the ones who went on ahead of us, and the brave warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice)
Sept. 12th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Bread Head Bakery - 2 pm.
Sept.16th: National Play-Doh Day (let your inner child out!)
Sept.19th: National Talk Like A Pirate Day (Arrr, matey! ‘Tis the day for getting’ yer Pirate on and letting’ yer Jolly Roger fly!)
Sept.28th: National Ask a Stupid Question Day
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 2009
This month’s issue of CHUY DAH is brought to you by Consciousness -- Consciousness…that annoying time between naps!
This month’s issue is proudly dedicated to my father, who finally retired on July 24 after 48 years. Here’s to ya, Dad!
To begin with, I’d like to offer condolences to Lt. jg. Kammie, who lost one of her aunts yesterday in an automobile accident. We raise the death howl in her honor this day, and our thoughts go out to her family.
Okay, for another month, this newsletter is late once again, and here’s why: a week ago today, my Aunt was taken to the ER and summarily hospitalized for a possible “coronary incident” she had at her drug store. After testing, there were no actual coronary problems, but the doctors noticed that she was exhibiting some other problems, which had them questioning her ability to live by herself.
So right now, as I'm writing this newsletter, we’re awaiting the results of an MRI and EEG that were performed on her while she was hospitalized. She’s also starting speech therapy (she’d developed a stammer after knee replacement surgery), and just went on Mobile Meals, so we’re helping her get used to these new things. We’re also trying to figure out what all would need to be done if we have to place her in an assisted living facility. And let me tell you, folks, none of this is easy.
Along with this, I’ve been aiding in planning my father’s retirement party, and I’m helping my mother plan her 50th High School Class reunion. So, if I look a little frazzled around the edges, or I’m a little late with things, at least you know why; my plate’s a wee bit full.
I’m telling you all this because I’ve always believed in being straight with you. That said, on to business. . .
THIS MONTH’S MEETING: There’s a change to this month’s meeting date -- we will be meeting on the 15th, not the 8th; my father’s retirement party is this Saturday, and like I said earlier, I’m needed to help set up and run the party. Hence the date change.
I’m also mandating a change in location for this month -- instead of using the meeting room at Buehler’s (which, for some reason, isn’t really working for me; I thought we’d have a room, not an auditorium), for something different, we’ll meet at the Bread Head Bakery in downtown Dover at 2 pm. If you haven’t been here, it’s a great place. Not only is the coffee good, but they have plenty of baked goods, along with sandwiches and soups. Besides, it’s Dover’s 1st hippie joint! (What’s not to love?)
I should add that if you don’t know where the BHB is, it’s right next to the Main Moon restaurant (where we usually end up following a meeting). If you need better directions, email me or call me.
THE HOTEL WAR CONTINUES: I received a response from the Intercontinental Hotel Group, the corporation that now oversees the operations of the Holiday Inn hotel chain, in regards to the letter I sent in regards to the screw- job we received from their New Philadelphia hotel this year. I’m not going to go into detail regarding the body of the letter, but the jist of it said “So sorry, but we really can’t help you, thanks for writing; we’ll keep your letter on file.” Okay, that’s how they want to play this. . .
I’m not letting this daunt me in any way (I think you‘d lose respect for me if I did); I’ve been sanctioned by the Chancellor Himself to take the battle to the corporation so as to get our point across. What’s the goal, you ask? Simple -- I’m gunning for an actual apology. Sounds impossible, but isn’t that what we do best?
August 8th: Sneak a Zucchini On Your Neighbor’s Porch Night
August 15th: Doomslayer Meeting at Bread Head Bakery (in Dover) - 2 pm.
August 10th: National Lazy Day
August 11th: Cadet T’Lisen’s birthday
August 13th: Left-Hander’s Day
This month’s issue is proudly dedicated to my father, who finally retired on July 24 after 48 years. Here’s to ya, Dad!
To begin with, I’d like to offer condolences to Lt. jg. Kammie, who lost one of her aunts yesterday in an automobile accident. We raise the death howl in her honor this day, and our thoughts go out to her family.
Okay, for another month, this newsletter is late once again, and here’s why: a week ago today, my Aunt was taken to the ER and summarily hospitalized for a possible “coronary incident” she had at her drug store. After testing, there were no actual coronary problems, but the doctors noticed that she was exhibiting some other problems, which had them questioning her ability to live by herself.
So right now, as I'm writing this newsletter, we’re awaiting the results of an MRI and EEG that were performed on her while she was hospitalized. She’s also starting speech therapy (she’d developed a stammer after knee replacement surgery), and just went on Mobile Meals, so we’re helping her get used to these new things. We’re also trying to figure out what all would need to be done if we have to place her in an assisted living facility. And let me tell you, folks, none of this is easy.
Along with this, I’ve been aiding in planning my father’s retirement party, and I’m helping my mother plan her 50th High School Class reunion. So, if I look a little frazzled around the edges, or I’m a little late with things, at least you know why; my plate’s a wee bit full.
I’m telling you all this because I’ve always believed in being straight with you. That said, on to business. . .
THIS MONTH’S MEETING: There’s a change to this month’s meeting date -- we will be meeting on the 15th, not the 8th; my father’s retirement party is this Saturday, and like I said earlier, I’m needed to help set up and run the party. Hence the date change.
I’m also mandating a change in location for this month -- instead of using the meeting room at Buehler’s (which, for some reason, isn’t really working for me; I thought we’d have a room, not an auditorium), for something different, we’ll meet at the Bread Head Bakery in downtown Dover at 2 pm. If you haven’t been here, it’s a great place. Not only is the coffee good, but they have plenty of baked goods, along with sandwiches and soups. Besides, it’s Dover’s 1st hippie joint! (What’s not to love?)
I should add that if you don’t know where the BHB is, it’s right next to the Main Moon restaurant (where we usually end up following a meeting). If you need better directions, email me or call me.
THE HOTEL WAR CONTINUES: I received a response from the Intercontinental Hotel Group, the corporation that now oversees the operations of the Holiday Inn hotel chain, in regards to the letter I sent in regards to the screw- job we received from their New Philadelphia hotel this year. I’m not going to go into detail regarding the body of the letter, but the jist of it said “So sorry, but we really can’t help you, thanks for writing; we’ll keep your letter on file.” Okay, that’s how they want to play this. . .
I’m not letting this daunt me in any way (I think you‘d lose respect for me if I did); I’ve been sanctioned by the Chancellor Himself to take the battle to the corporation so as to get our point across. What’s the goal, you ask? Simple -- I’m gunning for an actual apology. Sounds impossible, but isn’t that what we do best?
August 8th: Sneak a Zucchini On Your Neighbor’s Porch Night
August 15th: Doomslayer Meeting at Bread Head Bakery (in Dover) - 2 pm.
August 10th: National Lazy Day
August 11th: Cadet T’Lisen’s birthday
August 13th: Left-Hander’s Day
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
RIP The Taco Bell Chihuahua
When I saw this news item, I had to post it:

Taco Bell dog Gidget dies at 15
By Robert Jablon, The Associated Press
Posted: 07/22/2009 06:04:28 PM PDT
LOS ANGELES - Gidget the Chihuahua, the bug-eyed, big-eared star of 1990s Taco Bell commercials who was a diva on and off the screen, has died. She was 15. Gidget suffered a massive stroke late Tuesday night at her trainer's home in Santa Clarita and had to be euthanized, said Karin McElhatton, owner of Studio Animal Services in Castaic, which owned the dog.
By Robert Jablon, The Associated Press
Posted: 07/22/2009 06:04:28 PM PDT
LOS ANGELES - Gidget the Chihuahua, the bug-eyed, big-eared star of 1990s Taco Bell commercials who was a diva on and off the screen, has died. She was 15. Gidget suffered a massive stroke late Tuesday night at her trainer's home in Santa Clarita and had to be euthanized, said Karin McElhatton, owner of Studio Animal Services in Castaic, which owned the dog.
Although she was hard of hearing, Gidget was otherwise in good health up to the day of her death, eating well and playing with her favorite squeaky toys at the home of trainer Sue Chipperton, McElhatton said.
"She was retired. She lived like a queen, very pampered," McElhatton said.
Gidget was found at a kennel and wasn't show quality, McElhatton said; she had an undershot jaw and huge ears.
Gidget was found at a kennel and wasn't show quality, McElhatton said; she had an undershot jaw and huge ears.
But Gidget knew she was a star, McElhatton said.
"She was a prima donna, basically. She absolutely knew when she was on camera," McElhatton said.
In a 1997 Taco Bell television commercial, Gidget was seen as a male dog who, through the magic of special effects and a voice actor, proclaims in a richly accented voice: "Yo quiero Taco Bell" - Spanish for "I want Taco Bell."
Viewers were charmed. What was supposed to be a single ad became a campaign that ran from 1997 to 2000.
The ads made the Taco Bell mascot wildly popular, although they provoked criticism from activists who accused them of promoting Hispanic stereotypes.
While other Chihuahuas had bit parts, McElhatton said it was Gidget who got the closeups and the quips (Carlos Alazraqui was the voice).
Gidget traveled first-class, opened up the New York Stock Exchange and made an appearance at Madison Square Garden, McElhatton said.
In later years, she did other acting work, appearing in a 2002 commercial for the insurance company GEICO and in the 2003 movie "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde."
She remained the object of affection after her retirement, going on hikes and beach visits with her trainer. She aged gracefully, and liked nothing more than to snooze in the sun.
"She was like a little old lady. She'd kind of gotten smaller," McElhatton said.
Gidget will be cremated, McElhatton said. Her owners had not decided on a final disposition of her remains. Taco Bell Corp. said in a statement Gidget would be missed by many. "Our deepest sympathies go out to her owners and fans," the company said.
"She was a prima donna, basically. She absolutely knew when she was on camera," McElhatton said.
In a 1997 Taco Bell television commercial, Gidget was seen as a male dog who, through the magic of special effects and a voice actor, proclaims in a richly accented voice: "Yo quiero Taco Bell" - Spanish for "I want Taco Bell."
Viewers were charmed. What was supposed to be a single ad became a campaign that ran from 1997 to 2000.
The ads made the Taco Bell mascot wildly popular, although they provoked criticism from activists who accused them of promoting Hispanic stereotypes.
While other Chihuahuas had bit parts, McElhatton said it was Gidget who got the closeups and the quips (Carlos Alazraqui was the voice).
Gidget traveled first-class, opened up the New York Stock Exchange and made an appearance at Madison Square Garden, McElhatton said.
In later years, she did other acting work, appearing in a 2002 commercial for the insurance company GEICO and in the 2003 movie "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde."
She remained the object of affection after her retirement, going on hikes and beach visits with her trainer. She aged gracefully, and liked nothing more than to snooze in the sun.
"She was like a little old lady. She'd kind of gotten smaller," McElhatton said.
Gidget will be cremated, McElhatton said. Her owners had not decided on a final disposition of her remains. Taco Bell Corp. said in a statement Gidget would be missed by many. "Our deepest sympathies go out to her owners and fans," the company said.
So, let us all raise not a flagon of bloodwine, but instead, a taco, a burrito, or whatever Taco Bell delicacy you prefer in her honor.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
CHUY DAH July 2009
First of all, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy (if somewhat belated) 4th of July! Hope your holiday was a good one!
Also, a belated Happy Birthday to our Lt. K’Ana as well!
[Yes, once again, this newsletter is late. But at least it’s here.]
Is it me, or has the Grim Reaper been playing “catch-up” lately? Look at the list of celebrities we’ve lost -- and all in the span of a couple of weeks:
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
Billy Mays (TV’s master pitchman)
Gale Storm (actress & singer from the early 60s)
Fred Travelena (master impressionist)
Karl Malden
Steve McNair (ex-quarterback for the Tennesee Titans)
It just goes to prove that Death doesn’t discriminate - when your number’s up, it’s up; it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do.
So take a moment and raise a glass to those who have gone on ahead of us.
To start off, I’m pleased to report that our Intelligence Officer, Capt. K’Hper, is back from an extended medical leave. Welcome back, my brother, may I say that you’ve been gone too long.
I was glad to see the turnout at last month’s Ship Picnic. We had it all that day -- great weather, good food, and the company of fellow warriors. I ask you, does it get any better?
(Well, yes, if Tuscora Park could improve their frakking parking!)
July’s event will be a crew trip to the Borders bookstore at The Strip in North Canton on July 11th -- which will be this Saturday. I plan on leaving for Borders around 10 - 11 am, so judge your own departure time. We’ll be having dinner at the Belden Village Mall’s Food Court, to be followed by a possible mall crawl, time and interest permitting. I hope to see you all there.
7/6: Lt. K’Ana’s birthday
7/9: Chancellor Klaad and Judok’s anniversary
7/31: Clan Makhleod’s anniversay
Also, a belated Happy Birthday to our Lt. K’Ana as well!
[Yes, once again, this newsletter is late. But at least it’s here.]
Is it me, or has the Grim Reaper been playing “catch-up” lately? Look at the list of celebrities we’ve lost -- and all in the span of a couple of weeks:
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
Billy Mays (TV’s master pitchman)
Gale Storm (actress & singer from the early 60s)
Fred Travelena (master impressionist)
Karl Malden
Steve McNair (ex-quarterback for the Tennesee Titans)
It just goes to prove that Death doesn’t discriminate - when your number’s up, it’s up; it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do.
So take a moment and raise a glass to those who have gone on ahead of us.
To start off, I’m pleased to report that our Intelligence Officer, Capt. K’Hper, is back from an extended medical leave. Welcome back, my brother, may I say that you’ve been gone too long.
I was glad to see the turnout at last month’s Ship Picnic. We had it all that day -- great weather, good food, and the company of fellow warriors. I ask you, does it get any better?
(Well, yes, if Tuscora Park could improve their frakking parking!)
July’s event will be a crew trip to the Borders bookstore at The Strip in North Canton on July 11th -- which will be this Saturday. I plan on leaving for Borders around 10 - 11 am, so judge your own departure time. We’ll be having dinner at the Belden Village Mall’s Food Court, to be followed by a possible mall crawl, time and interest permitting. I hope to see you all there.
7/6: Lt. K’Ana’s birthday
7/9: Chancellor Klaad and Judok’s anniversary
7/31: Clan Makhleod’s anniversay
Saturday, June 20, 2009
An associate of ours passes away
If you have a CDPC t-shirt in your collection, be it in your drawer or in your closet, chances are it was made by a gentleman named Paul Barbarcik. Paul was an associate of both the Doomslayer and the Camp Dover Peace Conference, and he saw that we had a supply of t-shirts for a number of years, always in various colors.
I learned this morning that Paul had passed away on Wednesday, June 17th at the age of 56, following a brief illness.
Many of you may not have known Paul like the Chancellor or I did, but I usually ran into him when I was out and about, be it at New Towne Mall or Wal-Mart, and 9 times out of 10 the first thing he'd ask me was "When's the next convention?" We'd chat about Trek memorabilia in one form or another or maybe the newest movie for a few minutes, and then we'd go our separate ways.
I learned this morning that Paul had passed away on Wednesday, June 17th at the age of 56, following a brief illness.
Many of you may not have known Paul like the Chancellor or I did, but I usually ran into him when I was out and about, be it at New Towne Mall or Wal-Mart, and 9 times out of 10 the first thing he'd ask me was "When's the next convention?" We'd chat about Trek memorabilia in one form or another or maybe the newest movie for a few minutes, and then we'd go our separate ways.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
CHUY DAH June 2009
Once again, yes, I’m late with this month's edition.
All I can give for a reason is that I’ve been extraordinarily occupied, especially with 3 birthdays hitting my house within a 14-day period, one dentist appointment to repair a broken tooth, and numerous meetings concerning other projects I’m working on. Some things, they can't be helped.
SHIP NEWS: First of all, a belated Happy Anniversary to the other 2/3rds of our Command Staff - and of course I speak of Capt. K’Dot Kali and her husband, Commander Bastian K’Hyde.
On the subject of our Chief Engineer and Resident Mad Scientist/Evil Genius ©, it seems I left out portions of his report from last month (doom on me) -- Bastian will be undergoing some changes in the near future: not only will his legal name be changing to Sebastian Andrew (that’s going to take some getting used to), but he will be manifesting his horns soon -- so keep an eye on his skull for future developments. He will also be starting supplemental training to become a holistic health practitioner (Chief, my apologies if I erred in any of this; I’m going from memory).
BRAGGING MOMENT: If you’ll indulge me for a “Proud Uncle”moment -- I’m honored to report that my niece, Cadet Specialist 2nd Class Q’Elle Makhleod, was selected to be part of the 5th-grade Math Team representing Strasburg Elementary School in a recent county-wide Math Tournament, which was held at the TuscCampus of Kent State University. She didn’t place in the tournament, but it’s an honor just to be selected. Also, effective as of tomorrow (which is her birthday), Q’Elle will be promoted to the rank of Cadet Specialist 3rd Class.
IT’S SUMMERTIME, WHICH MEANS IT’S PICNIC TIME: It’s June, and this month’s event will be our yearly Ship’s Picnic, which will be at its usual location, Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia on June 13th (next Saturday). I’ll need someone to take the role of Advance Party and find a table or two for us; contact me if you can take this assignment).
As usual, it’s Bring Your Own Picnic -- and this year, I’m lifting the moritorium on fried chicken and watermelon; let’s just be aware of who’s around us, all right? Arrival time is slated for 1 pm. If the weather’s with us, I say this would be the perfect time for the 2009 Doomslayer Invitational as well. Keep in mind that if the weather turns bad, the alternate location will be the New Towne Mall.
AFTER ACTION REPORT - “STAR TREK”: I don’t know about anyone else, but I was literally blown away by how good this movie was. I thought this was going to be an actual prequel, but no, they’re jumpstarting the Trek franchise and starting things off at Square One, just as they’ve done with the Batman and Iron Man franchises.
There have been those who have decried this movie, lamenting that Star trek is dead and gone, and we might as well throw all our books away. In my esteemed opinion, those people didn’t really watch the movie. This movie may be the shot in the arm that fandom’s been needing for a long time.
I, for one, left the theatre feeling the old familiar buzz that I felt when I first got into watching Trek in the beginning. And in my book, that’s not such a bad thing. (I’d go into more details, but there are some crew who haven’t seen the movie yet, so I’d rather not spoil it.)
June 2nd: K’Dot Kali and Bastian’s Anniversary
June 7th: Cadet Q’Elle’s birthday
June 13th: Doomslayer Picnic at Tuscora Park - 1 pm; Bring your own picnic
June 14th: FLAG DAY
June 21st: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY (Be sure to do something nice for your father; remember, without Dad, where would you be?)
June 29th: Autumn Daley’s birthday
Once again, yes, I’m late with this month's edition.
All I can give for a reason is that I’ve been extraordinarily occupied, especially with 3 birthdays hitting my house within a 14-day period, one dentist appointment to repair a broken tooth, and numerous meetings concerning other projects I’m working on. Some things, they can't be helped.
SHIP NEWS: First of all, a belated Happy Anniversary to the other 2/3rds of our Command Staff - and of course I speak of Capt. K’Dot Kali and her husband, Commander Bastian K’Hyde.
On the subject of our Chief Engineer and Resident Mad Scientist/Evil Genius ©, it seems I left out portions of his report from last month (doom on me) -- Bastian will be undergoing some changes in the near future: not only will his legal name be changing to Sebastian Andrew (that’s going to take some getting used to), but he will be manifesting his horns soon -- so keep an eye on his skull for future developments. He will also be starting supplemental training to become a holistic health practitioner (Chief, my apologies if I erred in any of this; I’m going from memory).
BRAGGING MOMENT: If you’ll indulge me for a “Proud Uncle”moment -- I’m honored to report that my niece, Cadet Specialist 2nd Class Q’Elle Makhleod, was selected to be part of the 5th-grade Math Team representing Strasburg Elementary School in a recent county-wide Math Tournament, which was held at the TuscCampus of Kent State University. She didn’t place in the tournament, but it’s an honor just to be selected. Also, effective as of tomorrow (which is her birthday), Q’Elle will be promoted to the rank of Cadet Specialist 3rd Class.
IT’S SUMMERTIME, WHICH MEANS IT’S PICNIC TIME: It’s June, and this month’s event will be our yearly Ship’s Picnic, which will be at its usual location, Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia on June 13th (next Saturday). I’ll need someone to take the role of Advance Party and find a table or two for us; contact me if you can take this assignment).
As usual, it’s Bring Your Own Picnic -- and this year, I’m lifting the moritorium on fried chicken and watermelon; let’s just be aware of who’s around us, all right? Arrival time is slated for 1 pm. If the weather’s with us, I say this would be the perfect time for the 2009 Doomslayer Invitational as well. Keep in mind that if the weather turns bad, the alternate location will be the New Towne Mall.
AFTER ACTION REPORT - “STAR TREK”: I don’t know about anyone else, but I was literally blown away by how good this movie was. I thought this was going to be an actual prequel, but no, they’re jumpstarting the Trek franchise and starting things off at Square One, just as they’ve done with the Batman and Iron Man franchises.
There have been those who have decried this movie, lamenting that Star trek is dead and gone, and we might as well throw all our books away. In my esteemed opinion, those people didn’t really watch the movie. This movie may be the shot in the arm that fandom’s been needing for a long time.
I, for one, left the theatre feeling the old familiar buzz that I felt when I first got into watching Trek in the beginning. And in my book, that’s not such a bad thing. (I’d go into more details, but there are some crew who haven’t seen the movie yet, so I’d rather not spoil it.)
June 2nd: K’Dot Kali and Bastian’s Anniversary
June 7th: Cadet Q’Elle’s birthday
June 13th: Doomslayer Picnic at Tuscora Park - 1 pm; Bring your own picnic
June 14th: FLAG DAY
June 21st: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY (Be sure to do something nice for your father; remember, without Dad, where would you be?)
June 29th: Autumn Daley’s birthday
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
CHUY DAH May 2009
Okay, you've noticed what I called this month's newsletter.
If things had gone a little differently, this issue would have been been titled “THE POST-CDPC REUNION ISSUE”.
And if you notice, it’s not. Sadly enough, we all know what actually happened, no sense in rehashing the past. . .so, here we are, nonetheless.
But all is not lost, my brothers and sisters -- no, no. . .we do have something to look forward to: the release of the new STAR TREK prequel. This event will be our first Shore Leave of 2009, which means the General Meeting for this month will NOT be at Parkside Buehler’s, but instead will be at New Towne Mall in New Philadelphia, where we will meet at 12 noon for lunch, see the new movie, and have a Mall Crawl as well.
Please be advised that this will not be a full KLOAKED (Klingons Leaving Off Armor Keeping Earthers Deceived)mission, since regrettably there are no Klingons in this movie (that we know of), but I’d strongly recommend Casual uniforms or at least Camp Dover t-shirts, if you have ‘em.
KING-ONS...IT HAD TO BE KING-ONS: If you haven't seen it yet, Burger King has created a brand-new race to help advertise their new STAR TREK glasses give-away. They infused the Burger King with Klingon DNA and created. . .I can't believe I'm saying this. . .the King-on. I was shocked when I originally saw it, then after a couple of viewings, I thought "Hey, they actually did it right. . .right beards, correct ridges, modified armor...even kleavage for a female King-on. . . okay, maybe this isn't so bad..." So I give the BK folks points for originality...but still...King-ons?
AWAY TEAM MISSION REPORT: This past Friday, I met up with Capt. K’Dot Kali, Commander Bastian, and Cadet T’lisen at one of the planets in the Cleveland system; we visited a rather fascinating space station known as the West Side Market. I have to say that it reminded me a little of the markets we had visited before in the Walnut Creek and Sugarcreek systems, but with far more exotic selections to choose from. Afterwards, we dined at an Olive Garden restaurant before departing. It was quite an experience.
I am now, in my more human persona of Sebastian Andrew Benjamin, now the Beneficent Emperor of Earth!
(NOTE: Ah, Chief, when you make a report that reads like this, a little more in-depth explanation of things may be warranted. . .just a little constructive criticism, that‘s all. . .)
May 8th: World-wide Release of “STAR TREK”
May 9th: Doomslayer “STAR TREK” Shore Leave at New Towne Mall - 12 noon
May 10th: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY (be sure to do something nice for your mom -- without her, where would you be?)
May 12th: Chief Engineer Bastian K’Hyde’s birthday
May 25th: MEMORIAL DAY (take a moment to remember the warriors who have gone on before us, and to honor the warriors fighting the good fight now)
May 30th: Admiral Konnor’s birthday
Okay, you've noticed what I called this month's newsletter.
If things had gone a little differently, this issue would have been been titled “THE POST-CDPC REUNION ISSUE”.
And if you notice, it’s not. Sadly enough, we all know what actually happened, no sense in rehashing the past. . .so, here we are, nonetheless.
But all is not lost, my brothers and sisters -- no, no. . .we do have something to look forward to: the release of the new STAR TREK prequel. This event will be our first Shore Leave of 2009, which means the General Meeting for this month will NOT be at Parkside Buehler’s, but instead will be at New Towne Mall in New Philadelphia, where we will meet at 12 noon for lunch, see the new movie, and have a Mall Crawl as well.
Please be advised that this will not be a full KLOAKED (Klingons Leaving Off Armor Keeping Earthers Deceived)mission, since regrettably there are no Klingons in this movie (that we know of), but I’d strongly recommend Casual uniforms or at least Camp Dover t-shirts, if you have ‘em.
KING-ONS...IT HAD TO BE KING-ONS: If you haven't seen it yet, Burger King has created a brand-new race to help advertise their new STAR TREK glasses give-away. They infused the Burger King with Klingon DNA and created. . .I can't believe I'm saying this. . .the King-on. I was shocked when I originally saw it, then after a couple of viewings, I thought "Hey, they actually did it right. . .right beards, correct ridges, modified armor...even kleavage for a female King-on. . . okay, maybe this isn't so bad..." So I give the BK folks points for originality...but still...King-ons?
AWAY TEAM MISSION REPORT: This past Friday, I met up with Capt. K’Dot Kali, Commander Bastian, and Cadet T’lisen at one of the planets in the Cleveland system; we visited a rather fascinating space station known as the West Side Market. I have to say that it reminded me a little of the markets we had visited before in the Walnut Creek and Sugarcreek systems, but with far more exotic selections to choose from. Afterwards, we dined at an Olive Garden restaurant before departing. It was quite an experience.
I am now, in my more human persona of Sebastian Andrew Benjamin, now the Beneficent Emperor of Earth!
(NOTE: Ah, Chief, when you make a report that reads like this, a little more in-depth explanation of things may be warranted. . .just a little constructive criticism, that‘s all. . .)
May 8th: World-wide Release of “STAR TREK”
May 9th: Doomslayer “STAR TREK” Shore Leave at New Towne Mall - 12 noon
May 10th: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY (be sure to do something nice for your mom -- without her, where would you be?)
May 12th: Chief Engineer Bastian K’Hyde’s birthday
May 25th: MEMORIAL DAY (take a moment to remember the warriors who have gone on before us, and to honor the warriors fighting the good fight now)
May 30th: Admiral Konnor’s birthday
Thursday, April 30, 2009
And they look at us like we're freaks. . .get a load of this
I'm telling you, people, this isn't fair, not by any means...
Lest you think I'm making this up, the following story comes from
Cincinnati Patrolled By Real-Life Superheroes. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
By Meredith Woerner
Cincinnati has its own Allegiance of Heroes led by a 21-year-old masked superhero named Shadowhare. These superheroes patrol the streets carrying legal weapons in hopes of hindering evildoers. This will so not end well.
Many of these crime fighters are a part of the The World Superhero Registry, which we've mentioned before. And I'm assuming the Registry will have to take responsibility for putting these heroes together once their mangled carcasses are discovered floating in a river somewhere.
According to Cincinnati's WLWT, Shadowhare has been teaming up with members Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida.
"I've even teamed up with Mr. Extreme in California — San Diego — and we were trying to track down a rapist," said Shadowhare.
As of right now Shadowhare has only experienced a dislocated shoulder while trying to help a woman who was being attacked.
While I'm happy that citizens are trying to rid the streets of crime, I cannot imagine what would happen if we dropped the Allegiance off in a real crime-ridden street. Imagine these costumed kids getting dropped off at "the towers" on The Wire, now that's a TV cross over show that should have been filmed. They're like moving targets for a superhero hate crime. Be safe, fellas.
Lest you think I'm making this up, the following story comes from
Cincinnati Patrolled By Real-Life Superheroes. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
By Meredith Woerner
Cincinnati has its own Allegiance of Heroes led by a 21-year-old masked superhero named Shadowhare. These superheroes patrol the streets carrying legal weapons in hopes of hindering evildoers. This will so not end well.
Many of these crime fighters are a part of the The World Superhero Registry, which we've mentioned before. And I'm assuming the Registry will have to take responsibility for putting these heroes together once their mangled carcasses are discovered floating in a river somewhere.
According to Cincinnati's WLWT, Shadowhare has been teaming up with members Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida.
"I've even teamed up with Mr. Extreme in California — San Diego — and we were trying to track down a rapist," said Shadowhare.
As of right now Shadowhare has only experienced a dislocated shoulder while trying to help a woman who was being attacked.
While I'm happy that citizens are trying to rid the streets of crime, I cannot imagine what would happen if we dropped the Allegiance off in a real crime-ridden street. Imagine these costumed kids getting dropped off at "the towers" on The Wire, now that's a TV cross over show that should have been filmed. They're like moving targets for a superhero hate crime. Be safe, fellas.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
And so it begins. . .
Unless my math is off, as of today, we are now at 365 days and counting till the 2010 Camp Dover Reunion.
All righty then. . .
All righty then. . .
Friday, April 10, 2009
CHUY DAH April 2009
** This issue is dedicated to RayLynn Jane, the granddaughter of Lt. Cmdr. Khavid and Lt. j.g. Kammie, our resident Chief Security Officer and Chief Recreation Officer. She was born on March 13th, 2009, weighing 7 lbs, 11 oz. and measuring 18 inches long.
On behalf of the Doomslayer, I hoist a flagon of bloodwine in tribute of her birth!
Okay, okay, I know what you’re going to say… "Admiral, with all due respect, this may be the latest you’ve ever put out CHUY DAH -- um. . .what happened?" Since you’re asking me politely, why then, I’ll tell you.
It seems that the Terran Two-Step (a.k.a. stomach flu) has taken a short trip though my home, and everyone here has had it, including my esteemed self. And it was not pretty, let me tell you. Thank Kahless for chicken soup -- better then anything in a hypospray.
I also managed to break a tooth as well, so I’ve been working on getting that problem remedied. Thus, I’ve been a tad distracted, and that’s why this edition is late this month.
At last month’s meeting, we set up the year’s event calendar, and here’s what we have (for your reference):
April: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
May: “Star Trek” movie outing (Movie, dinner, mall crawl)
June: Ship’s Picnic at Tuscora Park
July: Borders Trip
August: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
September: Movie Night & Potluck Dinner at my house
October: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
November: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
December: Ship’s Christmas Party
As always, keep in mind that all events may be subject to change -- nothing is ever set in stone; it’s more like set on a Etch-a-Sketch…
In (hopefully) about three months’ time, I'm going to start studying to become a holistic health practitioner. If you look at my blog ,you'll see a new post, and the promise of on-going posts regarding empirical experiments I'm doing on myself and K‘Dot.
Before I close this issue out, here’s a little something I found -- remember the game of devising your “Porn Star” or “Star Wars” name? Well, here’s a few more that I found :
* Your Spy Name: Middle name and current street name
* Your Movie Star Name: Grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favorite candy
* Your Rap Name: First initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name
* Your Gamer Tag: A favorite color, a favorite animal
* Your Soap Opera Name: Middle name, city where you were born
* Your Star Wars Name (version 2.0): First 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name
* Your Jedi Name: Middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards
April 5th: Palm Sunday
April 9th: Passover/Maundy Thursday
April 10th: Good Friday
April 11th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2 pm
April 12th: HAPPY EASTER! (Hey, Easter Bunny - just drop the Jelly Belly jellybeans and step away…)
April 21st: Holocaust Remembrance Day
On behalf of the Doomslayer, I hoist a flagon of bloodwine in tribute of her birth!
Okay, okay, I know what you’re going to say… "Admiral, with all due respect, this may be the latest you’ve ever put out CHUY DAH -- um. . .what happened?" Since you’re asking me politely, why then, I’ll tell you.
It seems that the Terran Two-Step (a.k.a. stomach flu) has taken a short trip though my home, and everyone here has had it, including my esteemed self. And it was not pretty, let me tell you. Thank Kahless for chicken soup -- better then anything in a hypospray.
I also managed to break a tooth as well, so I’ve been working on getting that problem remedied. Thus, I’ve been a tad distracted, and that’s why this edition is late this month.
At last month’s meeting, we set up the year’s event calendar, and here’s what we have (for your reference):
April: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
May: “Star Trek” movie outing (Movie, dinner, mall crawl)
June: Ship’s Picnic at Tuscora Park
July: Borders Trip
August: General Ship meeting at Buehler’s
September: Movie Night & Potluck Dinner at my house
October: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
November: General Ship Meeting at Buehler’s
December: Ship’s Christmas Party
As always, keep in mind that all events may be subject to change -- nothing is ever set in stone; it’s more like set on a Etch-a-Sketch…
In (hopefully) about three months’ time, I'm going to start studying to become a holistic health practitioner. If you look at my blog ,you'll see a new post, and the promise of on-going posts regarding empirical experiments I'm doing on myself and K‘Dot.
Before I close this issue out, here’s a little something I found -- remember the game of devising your “Porn Star” or “Star Wars” name? Well, here’s a few more that I found :
* Your Spy Name: Middle name and current street name
* Your Movie Star Name: Grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favorite candy
* Your Rap Name: First initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name
* Your Gamer Tag: A favorite color, a favorite animal
* Your Soap Opera Name: Middle name, city where you were born
* Your Star Wars Name (version 2.0): First 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name
* Your Jedi Name: Middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards
April 5th: Palm Sunday
April 9th: Passover/Maundy Thursday
April 10th: Good Friday
April 11th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2 pm
April 12th: HAPPY EASTER! (Hey, Easter Bunny - just drop the Jelly Belly jellybeans and step away…)
April 21st: Holocaust Remembrance Day
Thursday, March 5, 2009
CHUY DAH March 2009
I’d like to dedicate this newsletter to my great-niece Gwendolyn Renee, who was born on February 13th. She came into the world at 7 lbs. 13 oz, measured 20” long, and has the thickest head of hair I’ve ever seen on a newborn.
TWO-TIME CHAMPION: I'm going to start this month's edition off with a bit of personal celebrating -- I'm proud to announce that I won the People's Choice Award for a second time in my church's chili cook-off! I've also decided that I'm retiring from any future cook-offs; I'd rather go out on top.
FROM THE SICK AND INJURED LIST: First of all, I’m pleased to report that our Chancellor and Chief Engineer -- both hospitalized recently -- are back in action. The ship’s been a little too quiet without you both.
REUNION UPDATE: Talks with the Schoenbrunn Inn and Marlite Conference Center have concluded, and we now have a new location for the Camp Dover Reunion. (My thanks to Capt. K’Dot, who assisted in the overall negotiations.)
Starting on St. Patrick’s Day, the Inn will start taking reservations for the Reunion weekend -- and with the hotel holding 40 rooms so far, I’d recommend calling ASAP, and make sure you ask for the Camp Dover special so you can get in on the reduced rate. We’re just waiting now to see what the Marlite Conference Center has in mind as far as catering goes.
Even though we now have over a year to handle the event planning - instead of a couple of months -- we’re fairly well-ahead of schedule. But we don’t have the luxury of coasting along. I want to continue with our original thinking, which was to have everything configured by the end of the year. This way, when 2010 comes around, all we have to do is assemble everything and be ready well in advance.
Yes, this newsletter is short for this month...because there's not much else to report right now.
Mar. 14th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s in Dover -- 2 pm.
Mar. 17th: HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY (“Everybody‘s Irish tonight.” -- Murphy McManus, The Boondock Saints)
TWO-TIME CHAMPION: I'm going to start this month's edition off with a bit of personal celebrating -- I'm proud to announce that I won the People's Choice Award for a second time in my church's chili cook-off! I've also decided that I'm retiring from any future cook-offs; I'd rather go out on top.
FROM THE SICK AND INJURED LIST: First of all, I’m pleased to report that our Chancellor and Chief Engineer -- both hospitalized recently -- are back in action. The ship’s been a little too quiet without you both.
REUNION UPDATE: Talks with the Schoenbrunn Inn and Marlite Conference Center have concluded, and we now have a new location for the Camp Dover Reunion. (My thanks to Capt. K’Dot, who assisted in the overall negotiations.)
Starting on St. Patrick’s Day, the Inn will start taking reservations for the Reunion weekend -- and with the hotel holding 40 rooms so far, I’d recommend calling ASAP, and make sure you ask for the Camp Dover special so you can get in on the reduced rate. We’re just waiting now to see what the Marlite Conference Center has in mind as far as catering goes.
Even though we now have over a year to handle the event planning - instead of a couple of months -- we’re fairly well-ahead of schedule. But we don’t have the luxury of coasting along. I want to continue with our original thinking, which was to have everything configured by the end of the year. This way, when 2010 comes around, all we have to do is assemble everything and be ready well in advance.
Yes, this newsletter is short for this month...because there's not much else to report right now.
Mar. 14th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s in Dover -- 2 pm.
Mar. 17th: HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY (“Everybody‘s Irish tonight.” -- Murphy McManus, The Boondock Saints)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
From the "Just what we needed" files:
As if the public didn' t already think we're freaks...
Klingon Criminal Robs Two 7-Elevens In Colorado
By Meredith Woerner, 10:30 AM on Wed Feb 4 2009
Are the Colorado Klingons so desperate for money? Apparently, yes. One of them robbed two stores with the Klingon bat'leth, also known as the "sword of honor."
According to the Denver's ABC Channel 7 News:
Colorado Springs police are looking for a man who hit two 7-Eleven convenience stores early Wednesday, armed with a Klingon sword. The first robbery was reported at 1:50 a.m., at 145 N Spruce St. The clerk told police a white man in his 20s, wearing a black jacket, blue jeans and wearing a black mask, entered the store with a weapon the clerk recognized from the Star Trek TV series.
The robber demanded money and left with an undisclosed amount.
Klingon Criminal Robs Two 7-Elevens In Colorado
By Meredith Woerner, 10:30 AM on Wed Feb 4 2009
Are the Colorado Klingons so desperate for money? Apparently, yes. One of them robbed two stores with the Klingon bat'leth, also known as the "sword of honor."
According to the Denver's ABC Channel 7 News:
Colorado Springs police are looking for a man who hit two 7-Eleven convenience stores early Wednesday, armed with a Klingon sword. The first robbery was reported at 1:50 a.m., at 145 N Spruce St. The clerk told police a white man in his 20s, wearing a black jacket, blue jeans and wearing a black mask, entered the store with a weapon the clerk recognized from the Star Trek TV series.
The robber demanded money and left with an undisclosed amount.
Monday, February 2, 2009
CHUY DAH Feb. 2009
Had to get that out of my system.
Before I get to business - and trust me, there’s a lot for this issue - I also want to dedicate this issue to Lt. Cmdr Khavid and Lt. jg. Kammie, who are celebrating their anniversary today. Have fun, you two, and keep the furniture throwing to a minimum, okay? The replicator can only work so fast.
I also have a personal announcement: this past week, the Chancellor has seen fit to promote me in honorific from sutai- to full zantai-. I’m just now getting over the shock, and my head has finally quit thumping from the thwap he gave me…
Now, as to business…where to start?
THE STEAMING PILES OF MONKEY CRAP JUST KEEP ON COMING: Here’s an overview of the current state of affairs as far as the CDPC Reunion goes:
Bluntly, folks, and in three words, we got mud-sucked.
Things all started from a phone call I received about two weeks ago from the hotel’s sales director; it seems the hotel was scheduled to undergo major renovations -- they’re changing from a Holiday Inn to a Holiday Inn Express, and during the Reunion, they wouldn’t actually be a Holiday Inn, they’d technically just be “the New Philadelphia Hotel”. Thus, we would no longer need to have an off-duty policeman on the premises.
Something told me to not feel too confident about this, because it was just too good to be true-- they had been so insistent on this point, and now to suddenly change tactics so easily as this?
They also told me that the renovations wouldn’t start until after the reunion. Again, this was sounding way too good to be true.
Well, I always hate it when I’m right, and once again I was right.
I received a 2nd phone call last week from the hotel; apparently the corporate offices ruled that it would not be “fiscally feasible to keep the hotel open just for [our] event“. The banquet rooms would be open, but everyone would have to stay at the Super 8 Motel, situated behind the Holiday Inn. If you’ve ever seen that Super 8, not only is it too small for what we need, but it’s a very disreputable place -- there’ve been numerous drug busts there, not to mention other criminal incidents. We’re talking an overall logistical nightmare here.
Thus, the mud-sucking.
On a personal aside, I hate to sound paranoid, but I find it a little too coincidental that those renovations just happened to be scheduled when we have the reunion planned. You may think the same. But I digress.
After discussing the situation with the Chancellor and Capt. K’Dot, the decision was made to postpone the reunion for this year, cancel our contracts with the Holiday Inn, and concentrate on the 2010 reunion.
Does this foul up our momentum? Not really. Does it stop us? No. I’ll tell you, this development and change in plans has not been well-received by some, but frankly, there’s not much else we can do about it. You can’t sprinkle sugar on this crap and call it candy, but it is what it is. We’ve had worse problems thrown at us, and like Clint Eastwood said in one of my favorite movies, “Heartbreak Ridge”, we improvise, we adapt, we overcome.
Now we have more time to get things done that we’ve already planned to do, and thus not have to rush around when the time comes close. After all, we were half-way finished to begin with, I see no reason to stop working as we’ve been all along. In my opinion, this is no major obstacle, it’s nothing but a speed-bump. Besides, with the Chancellor’s recent health problems, he needs time to rest and get back on his feet.
As of this newsletter, we are currently in negotiations with the Schoenbrunn Inn and the Marlite Conference Center to stage the Reunion for next year.
And don’t worry -- I’ve got a 4-page letter written to send off to the Holiday Inn offices.
THE AIR‘S GETTING CHILI: This month’s meeting will still take place as scheduled -- on February 15 (it’s a Sunday; Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and for those of you who are married, I don’t want to interfere with any plans any of you might have)at the Parkside Buehlers meeting room, but instead of it being at 2 pm, it’s going to start at 2:30.
The reason for this is that I’m entered in my church’s 2nd Chili Cookoff, and the event doesn’t end till 2 pm -- thus, I’m going to be a little late, and the room is in my name. Now, if you want to come to the cook-off and lend some support (I won the People’s Choice Award the first time I competed; this time I’m shooting for the Best Overall award -- or as I call it, the “World Heavyweight Championship“), I’d enjoy seeing you there; it’s $5 for admission tickets, and my church is St. John’s United Church of Christ (which is around the corner from the old Donut Shop -- contact me if you want better directions).
By the way, it’s been recommended I should mention that I will be participating in full uniform, and if you choose to come in uniform yourself, use discretion -- after all, we’re going to be in church, and I don‘t want to see anyone struck by lightning…
Feb. 2nd: Khavid and Kammie’s Anniversary
Feb. 7th: Margaret Wander Bonanno’s birthday
Feb. 14th: Cadet Qos’ birthday
Feb. 15th: Admiral Konnor to compete in Chili Cookoff
Feb. 15th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehlers - 2:30 pm.
Had to get that out of my system.
Before I get to business - and trust me, there’s a lot for this issue - I also want to dedicate this issue to Lt. Cmdr Khavid and Lt. jg. Kammie, who are celebrating their anniversary today. Have fun, you two, and keep the furniture throwing to a minimum, okay? The replicator can only work so fast.
I also have a personal announcement: this past week, the Chancellor has seen fit to promote me in honorific from sutai- to full zantai-. I’m just now getting over the shock, and my head has finally quit thumping from the thwap he gave me…
Now, as to business…where to start?
THE STEAMING PILES OF MONKEY CRAP JUST KEEP ON COMING: Here’s an overview of the current state of affairs as far as the CDPC Reunion goes:
Bluntly, folks, and in three words, we got mud-sucked.
Things all started from a phone call I received about two weeks ago from the hotel’s sales director; it seems the hotel was scheduled to undergo major renovations -- they’re changing from a Holiday Inn to a Holiday Inn Express, and during the Reunion, they wouldn’t actually be a Holiday Inn, they’d technically just be “the New Philadelphia Hotel”. Thus, we would no longer need to have an off-duty policeman on the premises.
Something told me to not feel too confident about this, because it was just too good to be true-- they had been so insistent on this point, and now to suddenly change tactics so easily as this?
They also told me that the renovations wouldn’t start until after the reunion. Again, this was sounding way too good to be true.
Well, I always hate it when I’m right, and once again I was right.
I received a 2nd phone call last week from the hotel; apparently the corporate offices ruled that it would not be “fiscally feasible to keep the hotel open just for [our] event“. The banquet rooms would be open, but everyone would have to stay at the Super 8 Motel, situated behind the Holiday Inn. If you’ve ever seen that Super 8, not only is it too small for what we need, but it’s a very disreputable place -- there’ve been numerous drug busts there, not to mention other criminal incidents. We’re talking an overall logistical nightmare here.
Thus, the mud-sucking.
On a personal aside, I hate to sound paranoid, but I find it a little too coincidental that those renovations just happened to be scheduled when we have the reunion planned. You may think the same. But I digress.
After discussing the situation with the Chancellor and Capt. K’Dot, the decision was made to postpone the reunion for this year, cancel our contracts with the Holiday Inn, and concentrate on the 2010 reunion.
Does this foul up our momentum? Not really. Does it stop us? No. I’ll tell you, this development and change in plans has not been well-received by some, but frankly, there’s not much else we can do about it. You can’t sprinkle sugar on this crap and call it candy, but it is what it is. We’ve had worse problems thrown at us, and like Clint Eastwood said in one of my favorite movies, “Heartbreak Ridge”, we improvise, we adapt, we overcome.
Now we have more time to get things done that we’ve already planned to do, and thus not have to rush around when the time comes close. After all, we were half-way finished to begin with, I see no reason to stop working as we’ve been all along. In my opinion, this is no major obstacle, it’s nothing but a speed-bump. Besides, with the Chancellor’s recent health problems, he needs time to rest and get back on his feet.
As of this newsletter, we are currently in negotiations with the Schoenbrunn Inn and the Marlite Conference Center to stage the Reunion for next year.
And don’t worry -- I’ve got a 4-page letter written to send off to the Holiday Inn offices.
THE AIR‘S GETTING CHILI: This month’s meeting will still take place as scheduled -- on February 15 (it’s a Sunday; Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and for those of you who are married, I don’t want to interfere with any plans any of you might have)at the Parkside Buehlers meeting room, but instead of it being at 2 pm, it’s going to start at 2:30.
The reason for this is that I’m entered in my church’s 2nd Chili Cookoff, and the event doesn’t end till 2 pm -- thus, I’m going to be a little late, and the room is in my name. Now, if you want to come to the cook-off and lend some support (I won the People’s Choice Award the first time I competed; this time I’m shooting for the Best Overall award -- or as I call it, the “World Heavyweight Championship“), I’d enjoy seeing you there; it’s $5 for admission tickets, and my church is St. John’s United Church of Christ (which is around the corner from the old Donut Shop -- contact me if you want better directions).
By the way, it’s been recommended I should mention that I will be participating in full uniform, and if you choose to come in uniform yourself, use discretion -- after all, we’re going to be in church, and I don‘t want to see anyone struck by lightning…
Feb. 2nd: Khavid and Kammie’s Anniversary
Feb. 7th: Margaret Wander Bonanno’s birthday
Feb. 14th: Cadet Qos’ birthday
Feb. 15th: Admiral Konnor to compete in Chili Cookoff
Feb. 15th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehlers - 2:30 pm.
Holiday Inn,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
CHUY DAH January 2009 -- The New Year's Issue
Once more, the Earth has orbited around the sun, and that means one thing - another year has passed. I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season; I know I did.
It’s January 2009, and if you’re a Klingon -- and especially if you’re a member of the Mighty Doomslayer, January means something else this year: The Camp Dover Reunion is only 4 months away!
At this point, I’m proud to say that everything thus far is going right along as planned, and we’re right where we should be at this point. I wanted to have the lion’s share of preparations done by the end of the year, and overall we've done so.
* NEW MEETING PLACE AND TIME* With the start of the new year, we have a new meeting place and a new meeting time. The new meeting place is the Meeting room at the Buehler’s Parkside store, and as of this month, meetings will be every second Saturday of the month (save for next month’s meeting, which will be on the second Sunday instead; the second Saturday of February is St. Valentine’s Day) from 2-4 pm.
For this month’s meeting, I’d like to double-check and update not only our roster, but the ship’s calendar as well. Why? I want to make sure I’ve got everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries correct, as well as double-checking the ages of the cadets to make sure their ranks are up to date.
* ENOUGH TALKING AND WAITING, LET’S JUST DO IT * (And that’s not what you may think I’m talking about, so get your mind out of the gutter! Geez!) We’ve been talking way too much about getting back to gaming, and I can’t wait any more, so here’s what we’re going to do. Since we tend to finish meeting ahead of schedule, and we have 2 hours for the use of the new meeting room, I’m going to run “old-school” Dungeons and Dragons sessions.
There’s not going to be any complex world or background, nothing like that -- it’s just going to be good old-fashioned dungeon crawls -- doors to kick open, monsters to fight, treasure to loot. Nothing fancy, just fun. I’ll provide the basic characters, but it’ll be up to you to give them life and personality.
Jan. 4th: Kammie’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Chancellor Klaad’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2-4 pm.
Jan.15th: Khavid’s birthday
Once more, the Earth has orbited around the sun, and that means one thing - another year has passed. I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season; I know I did.
It’s January 2009, and if you’re a Klingon -- and especially if you’re a member of the Mighty Doomslayer, January means something else this year: The Camp Dover Reunion is only 4 months away!
At this point, I’m proud to say that everything thus far is going right along as planned, and we’re right where we should be at this point. I wanted to have the lion’s share of preparations done by the end of the year, and overall we've done so.
* NEW MEETING PLACE AND TIME* With the start of the new year, we have a new meeting place and a new meeting time. The new meeting place is the Meeting room at the Buehler’s Parkside store, and as of this month, meetings will be every second Saturday of the month (save for next month’s meeting, which will be on the second Sunday instead; the second Saturday of February is St. Valentine’s Day) from 2-4 pm.
For this month’s meeting, I’d like to double-check and update not only our roster, but the ship’s calendar as well. Why? I want to make sure I’ve got everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries correct, as well as double-checking the ages of the cadets to make sure their ranks are up to date.
* ENOUGH TALKING AND WAITING, LET’S JUST DO IT * (And that’s not what you may think I’m talking about, so get your mind out of the gutter! Geez!) We’ve been talking way too much about getting back to gaming, and I can’t wait any more, so here’s what we’re going to do. Since we tend to finish meeting ahead of schedule, and we have 2 hours for the use of the new meeting room, I’m going to run “old-school” Dungeons and Dragons sessions.
There’s not going to be any complex world or background, nothing like that -- it’s just going to be good old-fashioned dungeon crawls -- doors to kick open, monsters to fight, treasure to loot. Nothing fancy, just fun. I’ll provide the basic characters, but it’ll be up to you to give them life and personality.
Jan. 4th: Kammie’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Chancellor Klaad’s birthday
Jan. 10th: Doomslayer General Meeting at Parkside Buehler’s - 2-4 pm.
Jan.15th: Khavid’s birthday
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