Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CHUY DAH Nov. 2008

First of all, yes, I know this is late. Those of you who know what I’ve had going on in the last 10 days or more, you understand why. Not making excuses, mind you, just explaining.

Okay, enough said.

It’s Veteran’s Day as I write this, and allow me to say a personal “Thank you” to the veterans of our own crew; of course I speak of our Commanding Officer and our Chief of Security. Gentlemen, speaking for all of us, I thank you for your service, and raise a tankard of bloodwine in your honor!

Our recent Away Team mission back to Amish country was a success, and I think we’ve made some new friends in a couple of stores — especially the one that Chief Engineer Bastian relieved of most of its fudge…

Keep in mind that on November 29th, we will be holding a very important meeting - this will be a Camp Dover Reunion informational meeting (NOT a planning meeting, because most of the vital planning has already been done), and will be held at The Manor resteraunt in Strasburg at 2 pm. This is where we’ll present what we have in mind for the 2009 Reunion to everyone. I’m not going to make this mandatory, but I will say that it’s important to see all of Doomslayer there.

Next month’s Christmas party will be held at the Hot Rod City resteraunt in New Philadelphia, and I’d like to have a head count to give them befor we show up en masse, so if you’re coming to the party, RSVP me no later then Decemeber 8th. [Keep in mind that the standard gift exchange parameters will be in effect -- non-gender specific gifts, no more then $5 in value.]

Nov. 11th: Veterans Day (remember those who fought for us and who are fighting now)
Nov. 29th: CDPC 2009 Reunion Informational Meeting — The Manor Resteraunt in Strasburg at 2 pm.