Saturday, June 6, 2009

CHUY DAH June 2009


Once again, yes, I’m late with this month's edition.

All I can give for a reason is that I’ve been extraordinarily occupied, especially with 3 birthdays hitting my house within a 14-day period, one dentist appointment to repair a broken tooth, and numerous meetings concerning other projects I’m working on. Some things, they can't be helped.

SHIP NEWS: First of all, a belated Happy Anniversary to the other 2/3rds of our Command Staff - and of course I speak of Capt. K’Dot Kali and her husband, Commander Bastian K’Hyde.
On the subject of our Chief Engineer and Resident Mad Scientist/Evil Genius ©, it seems I left out portions of his report from last month (doom on me) -- Bastian will be undergoing some changes in the near future: not only will his legal name be changing to Sebastian Andrew (that’s going to take some getting used to), but he will be manifesting his horns soon -- so keep an eye on his skull for future developments. He will also be starting supplemental training to become a holistic health practitioner (Chief, my apologies if I erred in any of this; I’m going from memory).

BRAGGING MOMENT: If you’ll indulge me for a “Proud Uncle”moment -- I’m honored to report that my niece, Cadet Specialist 2nd Class Q’Elle Makhleod, was selected to be part of the 5th-grade Math Team representing Strasburg Elementary School in a recent county-wide Math Tournament, which was held at the TuscCampus of Kent State University. She didn’t place in the tournament, but it’s an honor just to be selected. Also, effective as of tomorrow (which is her birthday), Q’Elle will be promoted to the rank of Cadet Specialist 3rd Class.

IT’S SUMMERTIME, WHICH MEANS IT’S PICNIC TIME: It’s June, and this month’s event will be our yearly Ship’s Picnic, which will be at its usual location, Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia on June 13th (next Saturday). I’ll need someone to take the role of Advance Party and find a table or two for us; contact me if you can take this assignment).

As usual, it’s Bring Your Own Picnic -- and this year, I’m lifting the moritorium on fried chicken and watermelon; let’s just be aware of who’s around us, all right? Arrival time is slated for 1 pm. If the weather’s with us, I say this would be the perfect time for the 2009 Doomslayer Invitational as well. Keep in mind that if the weather turns bad, the alternate location will be the New Towne Mall.

AFTER ACTION REPORT - “STAR TREK”: I don’t know about anyone else, but I was literally blown away by how good this movie was. I thought this was going to be an actual prequel, but no, they’re jumpstarting the Trek franchise and starting things off at Square One, just as they’ve done with the Batman and Iron Man franchises.

There have been those who have decried this movie, lamenting that Star trek is dead and gone, and we might as well throw all our books away. In my esteemed opinion, those people didn’t really watch the movie. This movie may be the shot in the arm that fandom’s been needing for a long time.

I, for one, left the theatre feeling the old familiar buzz that I felt when I first got into watching Trek in the beginning. And in my book, that’s not such a bad thing. (I’d go into more details, but there are some crew who haven’t seen the movie yet, so I’d rather not spoil it.)

June 2nd: K’Dot Kali and Bastian’s Anniversary
June 7th: Cadet Q’Elle’s birthday
June 13th: Doomslayer Picnic at Tuscora Park - 1 pm; Bring your own picnic
June 14th: FLAG DAY
June 21st: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY (Be sure to do something nice for your father; remember, without Dad, where would you be?)
June 29th: Autumn Daley’s birthday

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